From Chip Pearson's Web Site (
Converting A Julian Date To A Standard Date
The formula below will convert a Julian date to a standard Excel date.
If the year digits of the Julian date are less than 30 (i.e., 00 to 29), the
date is assumed to be a 2000 century year. If the year digits of the Julian
date are greater than or equal to 30 (i.e., 30 to 99), the date is assumed
to be a 1900 century year. This formula works by taking advantage of the
fact that the DATE function can handle days beyond the "normal" days in a
month. For example, DATE correctly computes 100-Jan-1999 to be
These Julian dates must have the leading zero or zeros for years between
2000 and 2009. For example the 123rd day of 2000 must be entered as 00123.
Format the cell as TEXT before entering the data, or enter an apostrophe
before the Julian date -- e.g., '00123. This will prevent Excel from
treating the Julian date as a number and suppressing the leading zeros.