can i create a reminder to pop up in excel?



I want to set up a reminder in excel, this reminder must pop up 2 days before
my appointment.

I know you can do this in outlook but i was wondering if it is possible in


Where is the appointment date ?
In a workbook ?
Assuming you have a suitable userform with a label:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim AppointDate As Date

AppointDate = Worksheets(1).Range("A1")

If DateDiff("d", Date, AppointDate) < 2.5 Then
With UserForm1
.Label1.Caption = "You have an appointment on:" & vbNewLine &
Format(AppointDate, "Long date")
.Show vbModeless
End With
End If
End Sub



If you don't have a user form, you can use a standard message box.
this code assumes that you have a personal workbook that opens with excel
and that you have a date in B2 and a remider text in C2.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()

Dim dat1 As Date
Dim dat2 As Date
Dim dat3 As Long
Dim msg As String
Dim msg2 As String

msg = Workbooks("personal.xls").Sheets("sheet1").Range("C2").Value
dat1 = Workbooks("personal.xls").Sheets("sheet1").Range("B2").Value
dat2 = Date
dat3 = dat1 - dat2
'MsgBox Format(dat1, "m/d/yy")

If Not IsEmpty(Workbooks("personal").Sheets("sheet1").Range("B2")) Then

If Date < dat1 Then
MsgBox (msg & vbNewLine & _
"That is on " & dat1 & vbNewLine & _
" or " & dat3 & " days from now.")
End If
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub


Hi FSt1
I have same prob
I want to set up a reminder in excel, this reminder must pop up 2 days
before my appointment.

But this pop up has to show in desktop without opening excel

I have too many bills have to pay befor due date but forgot the date. There
is any way to pop up comes on or before due date which is mention in excel

Plz plz plz help me

Jef Gorbach

"But this pop up has to show in desktop without opening excel "
This requirement complicates matters slightly bc you'll need to run
the excel vba code inside a true scripting language like vbs/
powershell to access excel in the background so it doesnt actually
appear to be opening.


Or use Outlook Caledar, which provides that type of facility by simply
making a caledar entry. The only prerequisite is that you must have Outlook
open when the time rolls around.


Hi Jef

Im trying the same but Im not able to understand
could u give me Add-in file regarding the same code. Im not understand this
code language.
or could u give me a step by step process plz

I had copy thay code then I open the excel and then past the code in excel
VB and saved that workbook in desktop & in excel B2 I was wrote 23-May-2010 &
in C2 I was wrote my bills details but before 2 date & on due date pop up
not comes on my desktop plz help
( plz if possible pop up comes on due date & I dont want only in excel when
excel is onend or not pop up has to comes on desktop plz help me)


Hi Fst1

Plz plz help me for the same

Im trying the same but Im not able to understand
could u give me Add-in file regarding the same code. Im not understand this
code language. I dont know where should this code past
or could u give me a step by step process plz

I had copy thay code then I open the excel and then past the code in excel
VB and saved that workbook in desktop & in excel B2 I was wrote 23-May-2010 &
in C2 I was wrote my bills details but before 2 date & on due date pop up
not comes on my desktop plz help
( plz if possible pop up comes on due date & I dont want only in excel when
excel is onend or not pop up has to comes on desktop plz help me)

And one more thing if in column "B" you u found any date then respect cell
of column "C" details will be pop up
( I required this function not only for one cell but also column Plz Plz
help me )


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