As Bob says, there is no "good" way to do this.
Steganography is your friend...
The problem with a watermark is that anyone who knows about Word's watermark
feature can remove it (easily...). You can make it a little more difficult
1) Insert a section break in the document
2) Place the watermark in the header of the first section
3) Password protect just that section of the document against editing.
If you make the section really small (one paragraph), it won't show. Then
although they will be able to remove the Watermark from the subsequent
sections, they can't remove it from the one you have protected.
Another way to do this is to embed a "Document Variable" in the document.
Look these up in the VBA help. They have the benefit that unless you know
it is there and what it's called, it is very difficult to find it, and it
can only be modified by VBA.
Sorry: You can't update document variables using a mail merge or any other
kind of field: you have to do it with a macro.
Bob says, a digital signature is the only way to go. The signature is
automatically invalid if the document has been copied or altered in any way.
PDF is difficult to change, but not impossible; and it's easy to copy.
Protecting yourself from the office photocopier is much more difficult.
Most black and white photocopiers have a "cut out colour". If you include
text in that colour (usually, red or green...) it will vanish on the copy.
Sadly, colour photocopiers don't have a cut-out colour.
In all the best spy novels, this is usually done by varying the spacing or
font of selected letters in such a way that it is practically undetectable
unless you know what to look for.
For example, if you are making 20 copies and there are 47 words in the first
A) In copy one, change the first word-space to an en-space. Or, change the
font of the first letter to something so similar you can only detect the
change with a magnifying glass.
B) In copy 2, change the second word space for an en-space, or the font of
the second letter...
Or, if you really want to be tricky, make ALL the word-spaces en-spaces, but
set the colour of the correct space to "white". So you have 46 spaces whose
colour is "Automatic" and the indicator space whose colour is "white".
If you want to know who emailed their copy to the Washington Post, search
for the "white" space
Sorry: You cannot pass "formatting" into merged copies, only letters will
be transferred by the merge process. You need to do this by hand...
Sadly, as Bob says, the rules of this game are that if they can read it,
they can copy it: if necessary, they can re-type it. All you can do is make
that difficult for them.
I have a 10 page doc. I want a watermark on each page that changes
each time I print the doc. I'd prefer to use the recipient's name as
the watermark, but I'd settle for a unique number. Is there an easy
way to do this? I'm trying to make sure that the recipient does not
copy or distribute the doc.
Don't wait for your answer, click here:
Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:
[email protected]