Hi =?Utf-8?B?RGVubmlzIFAu?=,
Anyways I thought it might be easy to write an ascii script and then import
it into Word and run it - I'm pretty sure WordPerfect allows this.
You can write a macro in a text editor, then import it into Word VB Editor, but
I can't imagine why you'd want to. All the Intellisense support that helps you
write the correct syntax would be missing. And if you don't know VBA then you'd
sure need all the support you can get. Being able to physcially type code
doesn't mean you know what you have to type...
The problem is that the file names are generated randomly but I need to print
them in a specified sorted order. That's why I wanted to generate the
commands from a file list using quick basic or the commands could also be
generated from a database that we use (DOS).
It would be possible to generate a list as a text file that a Word macro can use
to print documents (get the file names for the print command). But you can't use
text file commands in Word VBA for printing Word documents, you'd have to use
Word VBA. I recommend the word.vba.beginners group if you want to pursue this.
Possibly, you could write a batch file that uses command lines. I'm pretty sure
it's possible to use the command line + DDE to print a document (equivalent of
right-click and choosing Print in Windows Explorer), but I don't know the
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)
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