Can I create and print business cards in Word 2003?



If so, how is it done? I can't find anything though I was told it could be


Jay Freedman

If so, how is it done? I can't find anything though I was told it could be


In Word, business cards are treated as a specific type of label. In the Tools >
Letters and Mailings > Envelopes and Labels > Labels dialog, click the Options
button and choose a label product and product number (such as Avery standard,
product number 5371) to match the card stock you're going to print on.

Back in the Labels dialog, leave the Address box empty, choose "Full page of the
same label", and click the New Document button.

The resulting new document contains a table in which each cell matches one card.
If you don't see the cells, click Table > Show Gridlines.

Create the card in the first cell, then copy it, select the whole table, and
paste to fill the other cells.

If you want graphics on the cards, see

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