Can I create sequentially numbered documents on a server?




I have created Purchase Order word documents which I would like to put on
our server. Each department's template is ready and I have used the Autonew
macro to add sequential number to the P.O.s (everything is working fine on
my computer) Now, my problem is that whatever template I am opening when
working on the server, it does not differentiate the different P.O.s For
example, I have an Admin P.O. #3, and if I want to open the Marketing P.O.
for the first time, instead of having P.O. #1 I have P.O. #4.

Would you know how to solve that problem?

Thank you very much for your help.


Jay Freedman

I assume you're using a solution like the one in, where the
current number is held in an external settings file ("C:\Settings.Txt"
is the name used in that article).

The solution I suggest is that you create a separate settings file for
each type of purchase order. Then in each template, include the name
of the corresponding settings file. So, for instance, the template
used to make Admin P.O.s would have its AutoNew macro work on
AdminSettings.txt, while the one for Marketing P.O.s would work on

There is an alternative that uses a single settings file containing
different numbers for different templates. In this scheme, the file
name is the same in all templates, but each template uses a different
name in place of the "MacroSettings" parameter. (Within the settings
file, this becomes a label for a section of the settings. That happens

A final point: If multiple users will be creating P.O.s from these
templates, the settings file(s) should be on the server rather than on
a single workstation. This is mentioned, but not prominently, in the
article: "if more than one user needs access to the up-to-date number,
a text file can be saved in a shared area on the network." To make
this work, the file name in the AutoNew macros must contain the path
to the share instead of "C:\...".

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.


Thank you very much Jay!

Jay Freedman said:
I assume you're using a solution like the one in, where the
current number is held in an external settings file ("C:\Settings.Txt"
is the name used in that article).

The solution I suggest is that you create a separate settings file for
each type of purchase order. Then in each template, include the name
of the corresponding settings file. So, for instance, the template
used to make Admin P.O.s would have its AutoNew macro work on
AdminSettings.txt, while the one for Marketing P.O.s would work on

There is an alternative that uses a single settings file containing
different numbers for different templates. In this scheme, the file
name is the same in all templates, but each template uses a different
name in place of the "MacroSettings" parameter. (Within the settings
file, this becomes a label for a section of the settings. That happens

A final point: If multiple users will be creating P.O.s from these
templates, the settings file(s) should be on the server rather than on
a single workstation. This is mentioned, but not prominently, in the
article: "if more than one user needs access to the up-to-date number,
a text file can be saved in a shared area on the network." To make
this work, the file name in the AutoNew macros must contain the path
to the share instead of "C:\...".

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.


Can you show me an actual example of how the formula should work. I am very
new with macros and don't understand the direction to the link below. I have
a Purchase Order document in Word that is a template. I need to be able to
start at 1050 and have the number increase each time I open it. I will need
multiple people to be able to access this document from our company server.
Can you help?


I am working on a Purchase order form as well, but I can't get my number to
increase. I followed the directions on how to do it, but I must be doing
something wrong. Can you help?


Jay Freedman

Item 1: To let multiple people use the template, store it in a network
folder that all can access. I'll assume the folder is called
\\companyserver\publicshare\templates but it could be any valid name like
this, or it could be a folder on a mapped network drive (like N:\templates).
Then each person in their own copy of Word needs to go to Tools > Options >
File Locations, and modify the "Workgroup templates" location to point to
that shared folder.

This will cause the Purchase Order template -- and any other templates you
store there -- to appear in the list in the File > New dialog in Word.
People should use the File > New command to create new documents based on
the template. Nobody should actually _open_ the template (from File > Open)
unless some change has to be made in the template itself.

Item 2: You need to copy the AutoNew macro code from the article and put it
into the Purchase Order template. Instructions for how to do this are at Then you need to make a few
changes in the code to suit your requirements:

- There are two places in the macro that refer to a file named
"C:\Settings.Txt". In both places, change the path of the file to the same
folder where the template is stored, for example,
"\\companyserver\publicshare\templates\Settings.Txt". (Don't try to use a
mapped drive path here; it'll cause errors if different people have the
location mapped to different drive letters.)

- Locate the lines of code that say

If Order = "" Then
Order = 1

and change them to

If Order = "" Then
Order = 1050

to start the numbering where you want.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.


Thank you, I am really close, I just need to make a few adjustments. Have a
great day. You I have certainly made my day. I have been trying to do this
for two days now.



I am still having difficutly. I am pasting what I have as the macro, can you
tell me if you see anything wrong? I have it saved under Templates on our G:
drive which all employees can access. I know I must be missing something.

Private Sub Document_New()

End Sub
' Sub AutoNew()
'Order= System.PrivateString("G:\Templates","macrosetting","order")
If Order = "" Then
Order = 1050
System.PrivateProfileString("G:\Templates", "MacroSettings", "Order") =
OrderActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Order").Range.InsertBeforeFormat(Order, "00#")
ActiveDocument.SaveAsFileName = "path" & Format(Order, "00#")

End Sub

Sub AutoNew()
' AutoNew Macro
' Macro created 8/4/2006 by ihadmin

End Sub

Jay Freedman

You have too many "Sub" and "End Sub" lines. You should only have one
of each, with Sub AutoNew() at the beginning and with End Sub at the
end. You've commented out (that is, made useless) some important
lines, and you're also missing a couple of lines. It's a mess. :)

The whole macro should look like this. Delete everything you have now,
and cut and paste the following code without changing anything.

Sub AutoNew()

Order = System.PrivateProfileString("G:\Templates\Settings.Txt", _
"MacroSettings", "Order")

If Order = "" Then
Order = 1050
Order = Order + 1
End If

System.PrivateProfileString("G:\Templates\Settings.txt", _
"MacroSettings", "Order") = Order

ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Order").Range.InsertBefore _
Format(Order, "00#")
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:="path" & Format(Order, "00#")

End Sub

Finally, don't forget to insert a bookmark named "Order" in the body
of the template where you want the number to be inserted, as described
in the article.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.


Thanks Jay, I knew I had something in correct. I really appreciate your time
today helping me get this right. Have a great weekend.


Ok.....Maybe I'm an Idiot......I've followed all of the steps listed to 1)
Set up Auto Numbering for Purchase orders when I write the Macro but, for
some reason, I can't get it to run properly. HELPPPPP!!!! I've used the
AutoNew @ MVP info and the other site you listed (separately of course) but,
I keep getting command errors when I try and use them.
I've established my po# on new po template in cell G4 but when I try and
run the Macro I do not get a new #. What to do, what to do???


Ok.....Maybe I'm an Idiot......I've followed all of the steps listed to 1)
Set up Auto Numbering for Purchase orders when I write the Macro but, for
some reason, I can't get it to run properly. HELPPPPP!!!! I've used the
AutoNew @ MVP info and the other site you listed (separately of course) but,
I keep getting command errors when I try and use them.
I've established my po# on new po template in cell G4 but when I try and
run the Macro I do not get a new #. What to do, what to do???

John McGhie [MVP - Word and Word Macintosh]

Hi Ken:

Well, you're asking for Help, so you're not an idiot :) You may be
unfamiliar with this specific task, but you're not an idiot.

There's one thing you can confidently leave to other people, and that is
"putting Ken down". They'll do a grand job just on their own: you do not
have to help...

Now: Coupla things (and these are bits of knowledge you would have only if
you did VBA all day for a living like Jay and I do...)

1) When you copy from a web browser and paste into the VBA editor, you are
copying "non-breaking spaces". The internet rule is that multiple spaces
should always be treated as "one" space.

To keep the text indented, Internet Explorer substitutes "non-breaking"
spaces for spaces.

The Visual Basic Editor treats a space (character 32) and a non-breaking
space (169, I think) as two distinctly different characters. Which they
are. One is treated as a "space" ('nothing') the other is treated as "text"
(a value). That will cause errors in your program.

To remove the non-breaking spaces, copy your program code, start NotePad,
paste into NotePad, select all again and Copy, then paste back into the VBA
editor. NotePad can't reproduce non-breaking spaces, so it changes them all
back to ordinary spaces :)

The other thing that is wrong is that programming languages are very
sensitive to "lines" and "statements". A line is just that: from one side
of the screen to another. But a "statement" may be longer than a line, and
it must not be broken.

To avoid breaking statements in VBA, where a statement continues over more
than one line, we use a "continuation character" to indicate "New line, but
don't compile the statement yet, it's not complete."

The continuation character in VBA is "space underscore" like this _

You see how that line above ends with a space, then an underscore, then a
hard return? If you look at the code Jay sent you, you will see a couple of
those in there where he turned the lines over for you. You need to ensure
that there is nothing after the space/underscore, and that the next line
continues the same statement.

Check those carefully. Then look through your code for red lines. Any line
that turns all red has not been recognised by the compiler. There's
something wrong with it.

Now, try to RUN your macro. If there's anything wrong with it that did not
show up at compile time, Word will stop and highlight the statement
containing the error in yellow.

I just checked your macro and it compiles fine. I can't run it here because
I'm on a Mac (and your macro contains calls to the Windows registry!)

Sub AutoNew()

Order = System.PrivateProfileString("G:\Templates\Settings.Txt", _
"MacroSettings", "Order")

If Order = "" Then
Order = 1050
Order = Order + 1
End If

System.PrivateProfileString("G:\Templates\Settings.txt", _
"MacroSettings", "Order") = Order

ActiveDocument.BookMarks("Order").Range.InsertBefore _
Format(Order, "00#")
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:="path" & Format(Order, "00#")

End Sub

Ok.....Maybe I'm an Idiot......I've followed all of the steps listed to 1)
Set up Auto Numbering for Purchase orders when I write the Macro but, for
some reason, I can't get it to run properly. HELPPPPP!!!! I've used the
AutoNew @ MVP info and the other site you listed (separately of course) but,
I keep getting command errors when I try and use them.
I've established my po# on new po template in cell G4 but when I try and
run the Macro I do not get a new #. What to do, what to do???


Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410


Thanks for the help, I'll be working on this today. I'll let you know how it
goes. Next question, to create a bookmark it should be in the cell where I
have the PO# correct? How exactly do I create the bookmark?
When I am using the Macro code listed here, do I use all of the quotation
marks or, do I eliminate them and enter just the numbers? Also, VBA does not
allow the underscore as part of the code line. Considering I figured out how
to change out an engine by myself @ 19, I know I can figure this out. Or
Maybe I should just buy a Really big hammer and smash the computer. (Just
kidding) And, considering the only computer classes I've taken were back in
1983, I don't do too bad with them.
Thx for saying I'm not an idiot, this I know, I just get frustrated with
things I don't know how to do that well, YET!!

John McGhie [MVP - Word and Word Macinto said:
Hi Ken:

Well, you're asking for Help, so you're not an idiot :) You may be
unfamiliar with this specific task, but you're not an idiot.

There's one thing you can confidently leave to other people, and that is
"putting Ken down". They'll do a grand job just on their own: you do not
have to help...

Now: Coupla things (and these are bits of knowledge you would have only if
you did VBA all day for a living like Jay and I do...)

1) When you copy from a web browser and paste into the VBA editor, you are
copying "non-breaking spaces". The internet rule is that multiple spaces
should always be treated as "one" space.

To keep the text indented, Internet Explorer substitutes "non-breaking"
spaces for spaces.

The Visual Basic Editor treats a space (character 32) and a non-breaking
space (169, I think) as two distinctly different characters. Which they
are. One is treated as a "space" ('nothing') the other is treated as "text"
(a value). That will cause errors in your program.

To remove the non-breaking spaces, copy your program code, start NotePad,
paste into NotePad, select all again and Copy, then paste back into the VBA
editor. NotePad can't reproduce non-breaking spaces, so it changes them all
back to ordinary spaces :)

The other thing that is wrong is that programming languages are very
sensitive to "lines" and "statements". A line is just that: from one side
of the screen to another. But a "statement" may be longer than a line, and
it must not be broken.

To avoid breaking statements in VBA, where a statement continues over more
than one line, we use a "continuation character" to indicate "New line, but
don't compile the statement yet, it's not complete."

The continuation character in VBA is "space underscore" like this _

You see how that line above ends with a space, then an underscore, then a
hard return? If you look at the code Jay sent you, you will see a couple of
those in there where he turned the lines over for you. You need to ensure
that there is nothing after the space/underscore, and that the next line
continues the same statement.

Check those carefully. Then look through your code for red lines. Any line
that turns all red has not been recognised by the compiler. There's
something wrong with it.

Now, try to RUN your macro. If there's anything wrong with it that did not
show up at compile time, Word will stop and highlight the statement
containing the error in yellow.

I just checked your macro and it compiles fine. I can't run it here because
I'm on a Mac (and your macro contains calls to the Windows registry!)

Sub AutoNew()

Order = System.PrivateProfileString("G:\Templates\Settings.Txt", _
"MacroSettings", "Order")

If Order = "" Then
Order = 1050
Order = Order + 1
End If

System.PrivateProfileString("G:\Templates\Settings.txt", _
"MacroSettings", "Order") = Order

ActiveDocument.BookMarks("Order").Range.InsertBefore _
Format(Order, "00#")
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:="path" & Format(Order, "00#")

End Sub

Ok.....Maybe I'm an Idiot......I've followed all of the steps listed to 1)
Set up Auto Numbering for Purchase orders when I write the Macro but, for
some reason, I can't get it to run properly. HELPPPPP!!!! I've used the
AutoNew @ MVP info and the other site you listed (separately of course) but,
I keep getting command errors when I try and use them.
I've established my po# on new po template in cell G4 but when I try and
run the Macro I do not get a new #. What to do, what to do???


Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410

Jay Freedman

Hi Ken,

Keep slogging, we'll get this thing working yet!

You can put the bookmark anywhere in the body of the template that you
want the number to appear. If you have a table with the characters PO#
in a cell, you can put the bookmark immediately after the # character.

To put in the bookmark, put the cursor at the place you want the
number to appear, type a space character, and select the space
character. Click the Insert menu item, and choose Bookmark. In the
dialog that appears, type Order in the box at the top and click the
Add button.

Here's another little hint: Open the Tools | Options | View dialog and
put a checkmark in the box for Bookmarks. Now you should see the
bookmark in the template as a pair of square braces around the space

In the macro code, leave the quotation marks exactly as they are --
that's important, because the code will malfunction without them.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.

Thanks for the help, I'll be working on this today. I'll let you know how it
goes. Next question, to create a bookmark it should be in the cell where I
have the PO# correct? How exactly do I create the bookmark?
When I am using the Macro code listed here, do I use all of the quotation
marks or, do I eliminate them and enter just the numbers? Also, VBA does not
allow the underscore as part of the code line. Considering I figured out how
to change out an engine by myself @ 19, I know I can figure this out. Or
Maybe I should just buy a Really big hammer and smash the computer. (Just
kidding) And, considering the only computer classes I've taken were back in
1983, I don't do too bad with them.
Thx for saying I'm not an idiot, this I know, I just get frustrated with
things I don't know how to do that well, YET!!

John McGhie [MVP - Word and Word Macinto said:
Hi Ken:

Well, you're asking for Help, so you're not an idiot :) You may be
unfamiliar with this specific task, but you're not an idiot.

There's one thing you can confidently leave to other people, and that is
"putting Ken down". They'll do a grand job just on their own: you do not
have to help...

Now: Coupla things (and these are bits of knowledge you would have only if
you did VBA all day for a living like Jay and I do...)

1) When you copy from a web browser and paste into the VBA editor, you are
copying "non-breaking spaces". The internet rule is that multiple spaces
should always be treated as "one" space.

To keep the text indented, Internet Explorer substitutes "non-breaking"
spaces for spaces.

The Visual Basic Editor treats a space (character 32) and a non-breaking
space (169, I think) as two distinctly different characters. Which they
are. One is treated as a "space" ('nothing') the other is treated as "text"
(a value). That will cause errors in your program.

To remove the non-breaking spaces, copy your program code, start NotePad,
paste into NotePad, select all again and Copy, then paste back into the VBA
editor. NotePad can't reproduce non-breaking spaces, so it changes them all
back to ordinary spaces :)

The other thing that is wrong is that programming languages are very
sensitive to "lines" and "statements". A line is just that: from one side
of the screen to another. But a "statement" may be longer than a line, and
it must not be broken.

To avoid breaking statements in VBA, where a statement continues over more
than one line, we use a "continuation character" to indicate "New line, but
don't compile the statement yet, it's not complete."

The continuation character in VBA is "space underscore" like this _

You see how that line above ends with a space, then an underscore, then a
hard return? If you look at the code Jay sent you, you will see a couple of
those in there where he turned the lines over for you. You need to ensure
that there is nothing after the space/underscore, and that the next line
continues the same statement.

Check those carefully. Then look through your code for red lines. Any line
that turns all red has not been recognised by the compiler. There's
something wrong with it.

Now, try to RUN your macro. If there's anything wrong with it that did not
show up at compile time, Word will stop and highlight the statement
containing the error in yellow.

I just checked your macro and it compiles fine. I can't run it here because
I'm on a Mac (and your macro contains calls to the Windows registry!)

Sub AutoNew()

Order = System.PrivateProfileString("G:\Templates\Settings.Txt", _
"MacroSettings", "Order")

If Order = "" Then
Order = 1050
Order = Order + 1
End If

System.PrivateProfileString("G:\Templates\Settings.txt", _
"MacroSettings", "Order") = Order

ActiveDocument.BookMarks("Order").Range.InsertBefore _
Format(Order, "00#")
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:="path" & Format(Order, "00#")

End Sub

Ok.....Maybe I'm an Idiot......I've followed all of the steps listed to 1)
Set up Auto Numbering for Purchase orders when I write the Macro but, for
some reason, I can't get it to run properly. HELPPPPP!!!! I've used the
AutoNew @ MVP info and the other site you listed (separately of course) but,
I keep getting command errors when I try and use them.
I've established my po# on new po template in cell G4 but when I try and
run the Macro I do not get a new #. What to do, what to do???


You have too many "Sub" and "End Sub" lines. You should only have one
of each, with Sub AutoNew() at the beginning and with End Sub at the
end. You've commented out (that is, made useless) some important
lines, and you're also missing a couple of lines. It's a mess. :)

The whole macro should look like this. Delete everything you have now,
and cut and paste the following code without changing anything.

Sub AutoNew()

Order = System.PrivateProfileString("G:\Templates\Settings.Txt", _
"MacroSettings", "Order")

If Order = "" Then
Order = 1050
Order = Order + 1
End If

System.PrivateProfileString("G:\Templates\Settings.txt", _
"MacroSettings", "Order") = Order

ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Order").Range.InsertBefore _
Format(Order, "00#")
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:="path" & Format(Order, "00#")

End Sub

Finally, don't forget to insert a bookmark named "Order" in the body
of the template where you want the number to be inserted, as described
in the article.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.

On Fri, 4 Aug 2006 14:57:01 -0700, Hettie

I am still having difficutly. I am pasting what I have as the macro, can you
tell me if you see anything wrong? I have it saved under Templates on our G:
drive which all employees can access. I know I must be missing something.

Private Sub Document_New()

End Sub
' Sub AutoNew()
'Order= System.PrivateString("G:\Templates","macrosetting","order")
If Order = "" Then
Order = 1050
System.PrivateProfileString("G:\Templates", "MacroSettings", "Order") =
ActiveDocument.SaveAsFileName = "path" & Format(Order, "00#")

End Sub

Sub AutoNew()
' AutoNew Macro
' Macro created 8/4/2006 by ihadmin

End Sub


Item 1: To let multiple people use the template, store it in a network
folder that all can access. I'll assume the folder is called
\\companyserver\publicshare\templates but it could be any valid name like
this, or it could be a folder on a mapped network drive (like
Then each person in their own copy of Word needs to go to Tools > Options >
File Locations, and modify the "Workgroup templates" location to point to
that shared folder.

This will cause the Purchase Order template -- and any other templates you
store there -- to appear in the list in the File > New dialog in Word.
People should use the File > New command to create new documents based on
the template. Nobody should actually _open_ the template (from File > Open)
unless some change has to be made in the template itself.

Item 2: You need to copy the AutoNew macro code from the article and put it
into the Purchase Order template. Instructions for how to do this are at Then you need to make a few
changes in the code to suit your requirements:

- There are two places in the macro that refer to a file named
"C:\Settings.Txt". In both places, change the path of the file to the same
folder where the template is stored, for example,
"\\companyserver\publicshare\templates\Settings.Txt". (Don't try to use a
mapped drive path here; it'll cause errors if different people have the
location mapped to different drive letters.)

- Locate the lines of code that say

If Order = "" Then
Order = 1

and change them to

If Order = "" Then
Order = 1050

to start the numbering where you want.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup
all may benefit.

Hettie wrote:
Can you show me an actual example of how the formula should work. I
am very new with macros and don't understand the direction to the
link below. I have a Purchase Order document in Word that is a
template. I need to be able to start at 1050 and have the number
increase each time I open it. I will need multiple people to be able
to access this document from our company server. Can you help?


I assume you're using a solution like the one in, where the
current number is held in an external settings file
("C:\Settings.Txt" is the name used in that article).

The solution I suggest is that you create a separate settings file
for each type of purchase order. Then in each template, include the
name of the corresponding settings file. So, for instance, the
template used to make Admin P.O.s would have its AutoNew macro work
on AdminSettings.txt, while the one for Marketing P.O.s would work on

There is an alternative that uses a single settings file containing
different numbers for different templates. In this scheme, the file
name is the same in all templates, but each template uses a different
name in place of the "MacroSettings" parameter. (Within the settings
file, this becomes a label for a section of the settings. That
happens automatically.)

A final point: If multiple users will be creating P.O.s from these
templates, the settings file(s) should be on the server rather than
on a single workstation. This is mentioned, but not prominently, in
the article: "if more than one user needs access to the up-to-date
number, a text file can be saved in a shared area on the network."
To make this work, the file name in the AutoNew macros must contain
the path to the share instead of "C:\...".

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.


Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410


Hi John, I was reading your reply and i am creating a P.O. just like the
others you have helped. I have copied your code and i have tried to run it.
Now i am getting the top line in yellow highlight. I am uncertain how to fix
the code, however, it is the exact one you sent with this reply from before.
Any suggestions you might have i would really appreciate. Thanks


John McGhie [MVP - Word and Word Macinto said:
Hi Ken:

Well, you're asking for Help, so you're not an idiot :) You may be
unfamiliar with this specific task, but you're not an idiot.

There's one thing you can confidently leave to other people, and that is
"putting Ken down". They'll do a grand job just on their own: you do not
have to help...

Now: Coupla things (and these are bits of knowledge you would have only if
you did VBA all day for a living like Jay and I do...)

1) When you copy from a web browser and paste into the VBA editor, you are
copying "non-breaking spaces". The internet rule is that multiple spaces
should always be treated as "one" space.

To keep the text indented, Internet Explorer substitutes "non-breaking"
spaces for spaces.

The Visual Basic Editor treats a space (character 32) and a non-breaking
space (169, I think) as two distinctly different characters. Which they
are. One is treated as a "space" ('nothing') the other is treated as "text"
(a value). That will cause errors in your program.

To remove the non-breaking spaces, copy your program code, start NotePad,
paste into NotePad, select all again and Copy, then paste back into the VBA
editor. NotePad can't reproduce non-breaking spaces, so it changes them all
back to ordinary spaces :)

The other thing that is wrong is that programming languages are very
sensitive to "lines" and "statements". A line is just that: from one side
of the screen to another. But a "statement" may be longer than a line, and
it must not be broken.

To avoid breaking statements in VBA, where a statement continues over more
than one line, we use a "continuation character" to indicate "New line, but
don't compile the statement yet, it's not complete."

The continuation character in VBA is "space underscore" like this _

You see how that line above ends with a space, then an underscore, then a
hard return? If you look at the code Jay sent you, you will see a couple of
those in there where he turned the lines over for you. You need to ensure
that there is nothing after the space/underscore, and that the next line
continues the same statement.

Check those carefully. Then look through your code for red lines. Any line
that turns all red has not been recognised by the compiler. There's
something wrong with it.

Now, try to RUN your macro. If there's anything wrong with it that did not
show up at compile time, Word will stop and highlight the statement
containing the error in yellow.

I just checked your macro and it compiles fine. I can't run it here because
I'm on a Mac (and your macro contains calls to the Windows registry!)

Sub AutoNew()

Order = System.PrivateProfileString("G:\Templates\Settings.Txt", _
"MacroSettings", "Order")

If Order = "" Then
Order = 1050
Order = Order + 1
End If

System.PrivateProfileString("G:\Templates\Settings.txt", _
"MacroSettings", "Order") = Order

ActiveDocument.BookMarks("Order").Range.InsertBefore _
Format(Order, "00#")
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:="path" & Format(Order, "00#")

End Sub

Ok.....Maybe I'm an Idiot......I've followed all of the steps listed to 1)
Set up Auto Numbering for Purchase orders when I write the Macro but, for
some reason, I can't get it to run properly. HELPPPPP!!!! I've used the
AutoNew @ MVP info and the other site you listed (separately of course) but,
I keep getting command errors when I try and use them.
I've established my po# on new po template in cell G4 but when I try and
run the Macro I do not get a new #. What to do, what to do???


Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 (0) 4 1209 1410


I followed your instructions and added your code to my macro to make a new
number sequentially appear on my new PO, however the template that I used has
a [100] and my new number appears before it. How do I get rid of the [100]
from the original template?

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