Can I customize Word 2007's mini toolbar?



I love the idea of the mini toolbar, but it has some features I don't
regularly use that I'd like to change.

Features I can live without:
- highlight
- format painter
- quick styles
- increase/decrease text size ... this is redundant, as it has the option to
change the fonts size with a drop down menu, so it's just a waste

Features I'd like to add:
- underline
- number list (in addition to the bullet points)
- cut
- copy
- paste
- align text left
- alignt text right
- justify text

I recently read that the mini toolbar can't be customized -- is that true?
If so, does anyone know if Microsoft plans to update the program and allow
users to customize the mini toolbar?

Please advise.



Suzanne S. Barnhill

Sadly, it is not customizable. But you do know, don't you, that there are
built-in keyboard shortcuts for all but one of the commands you list?

Underline: Ctrl+U
Cut: Ctrl+X
Copy: Ctrl+C
Paste: Ctrl+V
Align Left: Ctrl+L
Align Right: Ctrl+R
Justify: Ctrl+J
(and Center: Ctrl+E)


The Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) is customizable, but that doesn't have the
features you listed as a part of its default offering. Word 2007 provides no
other customizable bars. If you're referring to the toolbar that displays
when you hover on selected text the short answer is no. Search this group &
you will find reference to 3rd-party add-ins as well as means by which to
import toolbars from earlier versions of Word. Whether any provide
customizing of the mini I can't recall.

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