Joshua Prowse
I frequently write "oft he" instead of "of the". If I write this in
Word, then autocorrect will pick it up. If I write it in another
application and use word to spell and grammar check my text (say, when
I'm taking notes on my Palm Pilot), then word will not flag this. I
want word to flag all instances of "oft he" with the squiggly green
underline of the grammar checker and offer to replace it; is the
grammar checker configurable enough that I can do this?
Word, then autocorrect will pick it up. If I write it in another
application and use word to spell and grammar check my text (say, when
I'm taking notes on my Palm Pilot), then word will not flag this. I
want word to flag all instances of "oft he" with the squiggly green
underline of the grammar checker and offer to replace it; is the
grammar checker configurable enough that I can do this?