Using a report bound to a crosstab query, I would like to view numeric zero
values within a 'Total: Count' field. My intent is to use the same type of
format report when count values may vary during specific time periods (i.e.:
# of events during specific start and stop dates). At present, when my data
changes and I have zero events, the current format of the report bound to
this query returns an error stating that it does not recognize a field which
exists in the present format of the report - this I understand: since there
is no data to be 'counted" there is no column header generated and thus an
unrecognized field, BUT I would like to keep the column header and report a
'ZERO' for that given event within that specific time period even though
there is nothing to 'count'. Is there any way to accomplish this magic?
values within a 'Total: Count' field. My intent is to use the same type of
format report when count values may vary during specific time periods (i.e.:
# of events during specific start and stop dates). At present, when my data
changes and I have zero events, the current format of the report bound to
this query returns an error stating that it does not recognize a field which
exists in the present format of the report - this I understand: since there
is no data to be 'counted" there is no column header generated and thus an
unrecognized field, BUT I would like to keep the column header and report a
'ZERO' for that given event within that specific time period even though
there is nothing to 'count'. Is there any way to accomplish this magic?