Can I email a word doc. without that document being an attachment


Kelly V

How do I send a word document as the body of my email? The only way I can
find to email a word document is to attach it. People don't opne attachments.
Help me please.

Graham Mayor

The simple answer is that you can't. The requirements of Word documents and
html fortmat used for e-mail are quite different. In any case many of your
potential recipients will only view e-mails in plain text format.

If this is an unsolicited document then don't send it. There's enough
rubbish clogging up the internet and its spam filters. If there is some
reason why you need to send a document then get the recipient to agree to it
before you attach it.

If you want to send a formatted e-mail work in web layout view or better
still use the html e-mail editor of your e-mail application.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Stan Brown

Fri, 17 Aug 2007 06:30:01 -0700 from <=?Utf-8?B?S2VsbHkgVg==?=
How do I send a word document as the body of my email? The only way I can
find to email a word document is to attach it. People don't opne attachments.
Help me please.

As Graham says, you can't send a Word document *as* a Word document
without making it an attachment.

If you want to send the text, probably you can hit Ctrl-A Ctrl-C in
the Word document then Ctrl-V in the email editor. (This will work
for many email programs, not necessarily all.) Take a look at the
formatting in your email and add or remove line breaks as needed.

Beth Melton

If you are using Word 2007 then you need to add the Send to Mail command to
your Quick Access Toolbar to make the command available. To do so,
right-click your QAT and click "Customize Quick Access Toolbar". In the
"Commands Not in the Ribbon" category locate "Send to Mail Recipient" and it
to your QAT.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ:
TechTrax eZine:
MVP FAQ site:

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