I am using the word "banner" as the top 100 pixels or so of each page, that
will extend across the top of probably each page in your site. It typically
has a logo, business name, contact info and such.
Let me put it another way. You can convert any or all of a Publisher web
publication page to an image. After you have made your "website header ",
banner or whatever you want to call it, just select all the design objects
on the page that you want to combine into an image (you might find it
easiest to also group them), right click and Save As a picture. In the Save
dialog you have the option of saving as a gif, jpg, png etc. Then you have
an image to use in your Yahoo website.
You can also copy all the grouped design objects > Edit > Paste Special > As
a Picture...right back on your Publisher page.
If you think you might want to edit the image, then after you copy all the
design objects and elements, go to a third party image editor such as
Photoshop Elements and when you open it, go to File > New from Clipboard,
and you will open the combined image and can edit the size, dpi etc. You can
also use
www.Irfanview.com which a good alternative...and its free. You edit