Hi Everyone, My excel skills are basic so hopefully you'll understan
what I want to do... I have created a sheet with headers/titles at th
top of the columns on a sheet and at the bottom of the sheet (all o
one page) are the totals. I wish to freeze the top 4 rows so they don
move and the bottom 3 rows so when you use the scroll bar only th
middle part of the sheet moves. This is so you can see the headers fo
each column and the totals at the bottom of the screen at all times. I
this even possible? Hope someone understands what I mean. I have trie
using the freeze pane function but it seems I can only freeze either th
top or the bottom not both.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
what I want to do... I have created a sheet with headers/titles at th
top of the columns on a sheet and at the bottom of the sheet (all o
one page) are the totals. I wish to freeze the top 4 rows so they don
move and the bottom 3 rows so when you use the scroll bar only th
middle part of the sheet moves. This is so you can see the headers fo
each column and the totals at the bottom of the screen at all times. I
this even possible? Hope someone understands what I mean. I have trie
using the freeze pane function but it seems I can only freeze either th
top or the bottom not both.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.