Can I get a 2nd license for Office XP


Conan Kelly

Hello all,

I have Office XP Pro (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook) installed on
my laptop. I purchased the software and installed it myself, so I have all
of the disks & manuals for it. I want to install it on another machine that
we just bought. Can I purchase a second license so I can install it without
having to buy the disks & books again? If so, will it be cheaper than if I
bought a second copy of the software with disks/books? Also, where and how
do I purchase it?

Thank you for any help anyone can provide,

Conan Kelly

Conan Kelly

Oh yeah. I use both of my machines for personal home use (in case that
makes any difference)

Thanks again,

Conan Kelly


Hi, Conan. You might not need to purchase a second license. Generally,
a retail version of Office XP Pro can be installed on one desktop and
one laptop owned by you as long as both computers are not used at the
same time. Read the EULA that applies to your copy of Office by
starting Word and clicking on Help | Microsoft Word Help | Contents |
click the + box to the left of Microsoft Word Help | End User License

Miss Perspicacia Tick

Conan said:
Oh yeah. I use both of my machines for personal home use (in case
that makes any difference)

Thanks again,

Conan Kelly

If the systems are different (i.e. one desktop and one laptop) and the
software is not retail OEM (i.e. you didn't have to purchase an item of
hardware to qualify for it) then you may install it on the other system. The
other criterion is that you must be the sole user of both systems and that
they cannot be in use simultaneously.

Office XP is no longer sold, so you would need to purchase Office 2003 (but
bear in mind that can only be installed on Windows 2003 (SP3 or later)
Windows XP or Windows 2003).

In this instance, you wouldn't qualify for a second licence, but an upgrade
and that would be cheaper than a second full-version licence anyway.

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