Note the removal of the square brackets.
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Ro477 wrote:
Thanks for all your help so far. I have had a look at the module and
copied it into my report. If I have a simple =English(99) with a
number, it works just fine. But for some reason when I introduce a
field I keep getting an "error". I have =COUNT(*) in the report footer,
and when I put =English([Count(*)]) it won't work.
Can you help, please !!!!!!
The function was named English() and it accepted a vaue of type
Currency. So if your field is named Amount, you would put this in the
Control Source of the text box on your report:
Actually that could error if the field was null, so it would be better
to use
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Thanks for the link, I have had a look at it and copied it into the
module section of the database. But this is a level above what I have
done in the past (so far I have been strictly a macro person !!!).
Now I have it in the database how do I link it to the text box
concerned to convert the number to words ?
Convert Currency ($500) into words (Five Hundred Dollars)
Since you clearly understand English as well, it should be easy
enough to change the words in that funtion into Dutch, e.g.
substitute the correct word instead of "hundred".
I have a report that gives a value in the report footer. The value
needs to be in euros, numbers and words. I can calculate the
numbers okay, but as far as I am aware there is no function to
convert numbers into words in Dutch. Thus, I need to have a fill-in
field for the value in words, with the prompt including the value
in numbers !
Is this possible ????
I will be eternally grateful for any answers ... Rod