Can I have more than one view change button



I have a form with 3 views. Requester, Approver, Denial. My approver view
has two buttons - One approves the request. The second denies the request.

The requester and approver views are working fine and the view changes as it
should - However the denial button does not switch the view to the denial
view which will allow the requestor to make changes to the original document
and resubmit. When the denial button is selected the view remains the same
as the approver view.

What am I doing wrong?

Franck Dauché

Check your View property to make sure that theView Name is indeed the one
that you are calling from your button code. This is obviously a syntax

Otherwise, post the code that you are using for the 3 buttons and give us
the exact Name of your Views.



Checked View Name and edited the name used for the data connection. The View
Name was "Denied" but the data connection was "Send Denial". Both now say
"Denied" but still unsuccessful.

Opening Forms Rules for Approver view are:
Users Current Role = Approver and Vendor is not blank. Switch to Controller.
Stop Processing Rules.

Opening Forms Rules for Denied view are:
Users Current Role = Denied and Vendor is not blank. Swithch to Denied.
Stop Processing Rules.

Button Properties for Approved Button are:
Data Connection = Send Approval. Set Field Value approved = true(). Close
Form. Stop processing Rules

Button Properties for Denied Button are:
Data Connection = Send Denied. Set Field Value approved = true(). Close
Form. Stop Processing Rules.

User Roles are wide open to "All Email Users".

I am using the Exchange server as my routing engine.

Hope this helps. Thanks.


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