Can I heigthen a page in onenote as much as I can?



I am a onenote fan. Nevertheless the height of a page in 1note is LIMITED to
50 cm as far as I know. However, I would like to increase the height of a
page as much as I would like to. Why I can not do this?

Chris H.

How much would you "like to"? Are you going to File/Page Setup... and then
selecting Paper size/Custom and entering a length in the Height area?
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -


Exactly. But then it says: "the maximum height can be "55.88cm" "
However, I would like to have more than that. This is my problem.

Chris H.

Yes, I believe that's the extent of the length - about 22 inches for each
page. What would you want to do with a page longer than that? It cannot be
printed, for instance. I'm trying to picture the usage which cannot be
accomplished by having "pages."
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -


What would I want to do with a page longer than that?
Instead of going back and forth between pages, I would like to see
a specific content on one page: coherent, and easy to trace!
When you have such a question, I would recommend to think from the other way
around: What would one could do with a limited page?
Why the length of a page is limited anyway?
SO, if a guy from microsoft is reading this message, my recommendation is
to provide the user a real "cutom" choice to arrange the size of the pages.


By the way, can someoe tell me why I can not send a "new" message to the group?
I click on "new" then choose a "question" but no window is poping up where i
can ask my question. What may be the problem?

Chris H.

You're using the web-based interface instead of a regular news reader like
Outlook Express. There's no telling what that system does, other than
following the information on those pages.

If you want to access all Microsoft's newsgroups, be able to view only
unread messages, track messages, etc., using a news reader, you can set up as a news server in a news account. No logon, no
password, and it is free for anyone to use.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Chris H.

Oh, okay. I find it easier to use a maximum 11 inches as length, then I
don't need to scroll all over the place to find something. Are you on a
Tablet PC or a laptop or desktop? That might be a difference in usage. I'm
on a Tablet and find it easier to flip back and forth.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -


Hey Chris, thanx!
Now I am using the group from outlook! Quite convenient now.
Thanx for your replies for my other question too.


I am using onenote on my laptop.
Really good program but just need some other feautres.

Chris H.

Awesome. That's really Outlook Express as the news reader, but fairly easy
to use. Outlook doesn't do NNTP newsgroups natively, so uses OE. Something
about corporate entities not wanting their employees reading newsgroups
while they should be working. :cool:
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Irina Yatsenko (MS)

You can set the page size to "Auto" (comes as default). This way there is no
limit to the page on the screen. To add more space at the bottom of the page
press down arrow key a few times to get the scroll bar then you can use the
"Add half page" button at them bottom of the scroll bar. If you'd like to
insert more space at the top of the page you need to use "Insert Extra
Writing Space" tool - it's located on the Standard toolbar (looks like split
arrows pointing up and down).
Note: we have no limit for the page size but it's not recommended to go
above a few thousand paragraphs on the same page :)


Ok this "auto" answers my question.
But still, it could be nice if I can customize the the height and the width.
In particular, I would like to have a width of 27cm and 90cm height.
This is a very specific claim, I know, but a claim is a claim =)))
You can never satisfy a human u know =)

Ben M. Schorr, MVP

Ok this "auto" answers my question.
But still, it could be nice if I can customize the the height and the
In particular, I would like to have a width of 27cm and 90cm height.
This is a very specific claim, I know, but a claim is a claim =)))
You can never satisfy a human u know =)

File | Page Setup isn't sufficient?

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:


not sufficient but ok I claim too much.
i mean this is my problem that i claim a very specific size.
its ok.

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