Can I hide a column in a table in MS Word?



I have a table that is many pages long. I want to be able to hide a column
and then print. This is so I can share infor (in that column) with people at
work and not share with the customer.

Charles Kenyon

Format the column to not have (unshared) borders. Format its text as hidden.
You will find this formatting under the Format > Font dialog.
Charles Kenyon

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Sorry to revive an old thread but I need further help regarding this very

Charles, when you say unshared borders what do you mean precisely; no
borders between cells? Most tables would be difficult to read if no borders
were between the cells, at least horizontal rules.

I am trying to do exactly what the original poster is trying to do. When I
hide a row it looks perfect (the row disappears and the space collapses) in
Print Preview and when printed, BUT when I SAVE the document the row
reappears though it shows no data. I am printing the document with the hidden
data to a PDF to it must be saved first. What is causing this odd behavior?

Also, when I hid a column I can never get the column to completely go away,
there is always some residual empty space left. I'd like the redacted tabel
to show no signs of having been redacted. Any ideas?


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