John Marshall, MVP
From the EULA within Visio 2003 (Select About Visio from the Help menu and
there will be an option to see the EULA)
1.1 Installation and use. You may:
(a) install and use a copy of the Software on one personal computer or
other device; and
(b) install an additional copy of the Software on a second, portable device
for the exclusive use of the primary user of the first copy of the Software.
John... Visio MVP
Need stencils or ideas? http://www.mvps.org/visio/3rdparty.htm
Need VBA examples? http://www.mvps.org/visio/VBA.htm
Common Visio Questions http://www.mvps.org/visio/common_questions.htm
there will be an option to see the EULA)
1.1 Installation and use. You may:
(a) install and use a copy of the Software on one personal computer or
other device; and
(b) install an additional copy of the Software on a second, portable device
for the exclusive use of the primary user of the first copy of the Software.
John... Visio MVP
Need stencils or ideas? http://www.mvps.org/visio/3rdparty.htm
Need VBA examples? http://www.mvps.org/visio/VBA.htm
Common Visio Questions http://www.mvps.org/visio/common_questions.htm