Project Server not required. First, you have to get the Gantt Chart out
of project. Do that by creating a file The two main options are:
1. "Print" it to Adobe PDF, or Microsoft Office Document Image Writer
(part of Office, I think).
2. Use the little "camera" icon on the tool bar to create a GIF file.
The advantage of this is that you can use the same function to automate
this creation of the Gantt Chart. I prefer this approach.
Then in SharePoint, you have a number of options to publish the file
1. Upload the above file as a document into the document library. Use
the same file name each time you upload so that SP will take care of the
versions for you.
2. If you create the GIF File, then in SP, say on the Project Team's
home page, add a "Image Web Part". Take note that one of the properties
of that web part is a URL link to the image file. Decide where on your
SP site you want to put the GIF file and a) put it there, and b) put
that URL in the properties box. Done. As suggested above, you can
automate the whole process of creating the GIF file and copying it up to
prescribed location in SP.