Can I link cells in diff. embedded Excel objects in a Word documen


Ian Butler

I can link cells within the same embedded Excel object in a Word document,
but how do I link cells between two different Excel objects?

This is for a financial document using Word 2003 where figures from one
table (embedded object) are used for calculations in another table.

I would like to keep this as one document which is why I am not linking to
an external Excel workbook.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?SWFuIEJ1dGxlcg==?=,
I can link cells within the same embedded Excel object in a Word document,
but how do I link cells between two different Excel objects?
You can't. I've tried it, various times. Word 2003 might let you get away
with it, during the current document session, if you use copy, then
Edit/Paste Special with a link. But as soon as the document is closed and re
-opened it doesn't work anymore.
This is for a financial document using Word 2003 where figures from one
table (embedded object) are used for calculations in another table.

I would like to keep this as one document which is why I am not linking to
an external Excel workbook.
This is the only possibility I know of, short of using a macro to
- open the one workbook OLE object, read the information, store it in a
- open the second workbook OLE object and write the information

But please note that in order to do this the workbooks would have to be
*opened* in an Excel window, not in-place (so that you can close them). And
the user will see this.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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