Can I make 2003 use the buttons icons of 2000?




I'm running XP SP1 and have a monitor resolution of 1024x768.
I set the "use large characters" (120 dpi) in display advanced prefs
otherwise it would be difficult to read the text of the commands.

I've been using Office 2000 till now and I recently installed Office 2003.
The toolbar buttons in 2003 are bigger and a bit blurred (I'm sure I have
not checked "use large icons"). When I tried and set the monitor adv prefs to
"use normal characters", the icons became crisp and well defined.

Unfortunately, I find the old (2000) icon faces far easier to be catched by
my eyes than the new one, even if crisp, so the questions arise:

- is there a way to make 2003 use the 2000 icons?
- if not, is there a way to make 2003 avoid the upscaling of the icons of
its buttons, at least? (I mean, can I tell Excel "please use 16x16 size for
your buttons icons" ?)
- where are those buttons icons stored into?


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