Can I make a template like this?



We are using a very old DOS-based input program. The narrative portion of
the input form is very user-unfriendly, so most operators create their
narratives in Word, then paste into the input program. Unfortunately, most
Normal templates default to either Arial or Times New Roman, which are
proportional-spaced fonts, and the input program uses a mono-spaced font
(similar to Courier). It also does not recognize tabs or tables. The
operators create these nice-looking charts and tables in Word using spaces
and tabs - and they get all screwed up when they're pasted in. The QA
operators then have to spend much time reformatting everything.

I was thinking of trying to create a Word template for the operators that
would reject any font except Courier, and reject all tabs. Is this


Doug Robbins

There is no doubt that you can create a template in which the Normal font is
defined as being Courier. Getting your users to make use of it and also not
to use the tab key is a matter of education.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Well, I was hoping not to have to count on them!! The only other
alternative I could see would be to use the doc change event to evaluate the
last character entered to see if it's a tab. Checking for font might be a
bit more hairy.

Not that I *really want* to do ANY of this! But trying to idiot-proof a
process means you have to stay at least one step ahead of the idiots!


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