I've got a table with 6 columns. I want to fix the width of the
colums and prevent them from changing. I'm using Word 2002. Everytime
I enter a column width, the other columns adjust. Nothing stays put.
Here's what I need:
6 columns
Column 1 = .5in
Column 2,3,4 = .25"
Column 5 = .75"
Column 6 = to right margin
I appreciate any help!
Lady Dungeness
Crabby, but Great Legs!
colums and prevent them from changing. I'm using Word 2002. Everytime
I enter a column width, the other columns adjust. Nothing stays put.
Here's what I need:
6 columns
Column 1 = .5in
Column 2,3,4 = .25"
Column 5 = .75"
Column 6 = to right margin
I appreciate any help!
Lady Dungeness
Crabby, but Great Legs!