Can I move between pages in OneNote with a keystroke?



I use OneNote in law school. I type up case briefs before class and then put
the day's notes on a new page. I want to move between pages within the
notebook without having to click back and forth between the page I'm writing
on and the tab for another page. Is there a keystroke that will do this?

John Waller

Ctrl+Scroll Up/Down with the mousewheel is the only shortcut I'm aware of
for moving between pages in a section in ON2007.

Rainald Taesler

jblee said:
I use OneNote in law school. I type up case briefs before class and
then put the day's notes on a new page. I want to move between
pages within the notebook without having to click back and forth
between the page I'm writing on and the tab for another page. Is
there a keystroke that will do this?

You may make use *Hyperlinks* for linking pages.
This would not mean one keystroke, but simply "one click".


Steve Silverwood

I use OneNote in law school. I type up case briefs before class and then put
the day's notes on a new page. I want to move between pages within the
notebook without having to click back and forth between the page I'm writing
on and the tab for another page. Is there a keystroke that will do this?

I'll second Rainald's recommendation to use hyperlinks. Here's an
example of how I use them:

I'm a shortwave listener. Every month I get a copy of Monitoring
Times in PDF format. It contains detailed information about who is
scheduled to broadcast when and on what frequencies.

I use Adobe Reader to select the text content on those pages and move
them to a text editor. Once it's there, I clean it up a little
(unfortunately, the page numbers and some other junk gets copied with
the rest of the data on each page) and cut out unwanted line breaks,
that sort of thing. After that, it gets pasted into a OneNote page.

The data is in chronological order by scheduled broadcast start time,
and grouped by hour (in UTC/GMT time). So I set up a series of items
at the top of the page, such as 0000, 0100, 0200 and so on. I then
navigate to the 0000 portion of the data, right-click on the first
line of that section, and select "Copy hyperlink to this paragraph."
Then I go back to the top of the page, select the 0000 entry, then
right-click and select "Hyperlink...". I paste in the hyperlink I
copied and click OK. Repeat the process for the 0100 data, the 0200
data, and so forth through 2300.

When it's all done, and I want to know who's on later when I'm
listening, I can simply bring up the page, check the clock to see what
time it is (in UTC), click on the 0600 link (assuming it's 0600, of
course) and go right to the broadcast schedule for the 0600-0700

I should probably do a video about this, and I'm considering writing
it up for submission to one or two of the shortwave magazines I read.

Hope this helps.


Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Email: (e-mail address removed)

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