Can I move the cursor on error??


Les Linton

I have my project inventory sheet working other than a divide by 0 error
#DIV/0! when they don't enter a value in the quantity field.

Is it possible to move the cursor to the quantity field and display a
message with this error?

Or, is it time to start learning VB?

This is the code that calculates the sales margin and gives the error


The quantity cell is D4

Thanks for your help,




As stated your problem would require VBA. And if you want this to happen on
mouse over (when your mouse is over the cell only) that is more of an issue.
However, without vba you could modify the formula

=IF((G4+H4)>0,(I4-F4)/I4,"my error message")

Gord Dibben

How does D4 come into play? Or is it a dependent of I4?

Looks to me like the error would arise when I4 is empty or 0

Try this to give a message if I4 is empty.

=IF(I4="","There is no entry in I4",IF((G4+H4)>0,(I4-F4)/I4,0))

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Les Linton

Thanks to both. Gord, you are correct the error does come because the
result of the calculation at I4 is 0. This occurs due to no entry in

Thanks again,


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