Can I open a .pdf file in Access using a table column with link in



I would like a column in my Inventory database that has a link to the .pdf
file that has the specs for the part. I would like the user to be able to
click a link in this column and have a separte window open with the correct
spec sheet. Is this possible?



OK, I figured that out, I just created a hyperlink column then typed in the
full path to where the file is and it opens in another window as required.
Now my problem is that my boss wants the path in the hyperlink file to be
shortened to just the file name, not to show the whole path of folders and

I tried going to database properties, summary tab, enter the path name to
the final subfolder in the hyperlink base box but then it says it can't find
the file.

Any suggestions?

Thanks again,


Van T. Dinh

It a pain but for a Hyperlink Field, you can enter up to 4 different parts
separated by hashes (#) in the format:


The first part you can use to display what your boss wants, the second is
the actual hyperlink.

OTOH, you should really design Form for data entry and viewing. Datasheets
are meant for testing during the designing of the database only.


Thank you very much, that worked.
I am the only one allowed to manipulate the data, others just look and don't
have editing privaleges. I did not start this database (the person who did
does not work here anymore) and there are forms in it for data editting, but
they don't work right. For instance, I want to add that we received 100 new
parts, but what the form for editting parts does is add a new line with all
the same information except for the amount in inventory instead of just
lettimg me adjust the inventory amount. I don't know how to work with forms
and have found that I can work around them alright, so I haven't tried to
make the forms do what I want. Maybe someday I'll get that ambitious.

Thanks very much for your help.

Oh hey! I am importing a query from this database into an Excel file, and
have found that the hyperlink column converts to plain text in the excel
file, would you know a way to keep the hyperlink so that the excel file can
access the same hyperlinks?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a bunch.


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