Can I plot curves from (x,y,z) coordinates?



That's the question folks; I want to be able to take (x,y,z) coordinates from a text file, import them into Excel, and then generate curves from the data.

I don't necessarily want to perform any regression analysis on the data, rather just plot the raw lines.

Any help would be appreciated,

Bernard Liengme

Hi Paul,
Regretfully, Excel cannot do real 3D plots of numeric data. The 3D plot is
has is for categorical data (like a Line chart)

Bernard Liengme
remove CAPS in e-mail address

evildad said:
That's the question folks; I want to be able to take (x,y,z) coordinates
from a text file, import them into Excel, and then generate curves from the
I don't necessarily want to perform any regression analysis on the data,
rather just plot the raw lines.

Jon Peltier

Andy Pope ( has a technique for faking a 03/07/2004
chart using a 2D XY chart and lots of trig for rendering. It may help
you visualize your 3D function.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions


Thanks for the link Jon.
There's some good information on Andy's website, thanks for the link.
I'm still going to use a CAD application to display the 3d data, but the workaround Andy came up with has opened my eyes to a bit of lateral thinking can make Excel go a long way ;-)


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