Can I prevent double booking of a resource in a meeting?



When our users book a resource room, if there is already a meeting scheduled
the meeting books anyway with no notification that they are double booked. I
posted a siminilar question earlier but forgot to ask for notification of
replies, sorry


Hi there - if a resource is set up correctly you should get a dialogue box
appearing that says the resource is already booked at that time so choose
another resource or time. Tell me this - if a user books one of your rooms
(when it is actually available) do they get a confirmation dialogue box? If
they don't this means that you have not set the resource up correctly.
Another thing to check is the DEFAULT permission setting. If it is None the
meeting room probably hasn't been set up correctly. Let me know how you get
on and if I can provide any other help on this. I have set up a few
resources myself and realise that it is important that they are functioning
correctly. Good luck!

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