Can I print on both both sides?



I want to be able to print on both sides of the page but i can't seem
to find a setting anywhere in word 2004 to do that.

thank you!


Daiya Mitchell

This is not really a Word option, but rather a printer option.

Assuming that your printer is designed to print duplex, and that you
have installed the specific drivers for your printer, then in the File |
Print dialog, you will be able to tell the printer to print duplex.
Change the "Copies & Pages" dropdown to Layout to access the options.

If your printer does NOT print duplex, then you can manually duplex by
printing all the odd pages, turning them over, and printing the even. Or
somesuch--experiment first! If this is the case, change the "Copies &
Pages" dropdown to Microsoft Word, and you can tell it to print only the
odd or the even pages.

And if you are doing a booklet, there are different approaches for that,
so either say so, or just google and download the utility CocoaBooklet.

Elliott Roper

irchamandy said:
I want to be able to print on both sides of the page but i can't seem
to find a setting anywhere in word 2004 to do that.

If your printer has a hardware duplexer then you should be able to find
a checkbox in the paper handling sheet that lurks in the OS X print
dialogue. Nothing to do with Word at all.

If you are going to print duplex by passing the paper through twice
there are options in the print dialogue for odd and even pages under
the same paper handling sheet. You will also find interesting questions
under the page order selector too. (I don't yet know whether
'automatic' does the right thing.)

(This is for OS X 10.5 Earlier OS Xs differ subtly.)

There are also some similar options under the Microsoft Word part of
the print dialogue. They are best left untouched. If they don't
confuse the printer, they will confuse the user.

The precise recipe will depend on your printer, whether it flips the
paper and delivers it face down or not.
Try printing even reverse followed by odd forward if it does.
You might experiment with a smallish duplex document while you learn
how to take the stack of printed paper from the output tray and how to
flip or rotate it or not before putting it back in the input tray.
(even reverse first means never having to worry about whether there is
an odd or even number of sides to be printed. The odd run will pull a
fresh last page from the input tray if one is needed.)
Be warned that you need different flippiness for landscape and portrait
documents. Think about where you want the binding edge, and have a
soothing cup of coffee. I dunno about you, but that does my head in. I
can't think it through without waving my arms about, tipping my head
this way and that trying to imagine which way up the text on the bottom
of the sheet will be. Best done when no one can see you.

One further word of warning. Word has a bug that starts a new print job
on every section break that moves margins. That will completely bork
your clever odds and evens. Test by printing to PDF first. If it comes
out as one PDF you will be OK. If not, and you are on OS X 10.5, try
the new features on to join them up and to delete the
unwanted blank pages that Word will have inserted for you. Then print
the PDF.

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