Can I print Outlook emails to the current page?



I have set Web Notes and Printouts to print to the current page in OneNote,
but when I use "Send to OneNote" in Outlook, even if I select multiple
emails, OneNote puts each email on a separate unfiled page. Is it possible
to select multiple emails and have them all placed on the same page, and
could I designate that page to be the "current page?"
Alternatively, is there an easy way to consolidate multiple pages onto one
page without cutting and pasting from each individual page to the
consolidated page?

Thanks for your help.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Those settings don't affect the behavior from Outlook. There's a separate
location for that: Tools | Options | Outlook Integration | Email

When you set that to "Current Page" and select multiple messages, they will
all be appended to the single current page.



Of course. Why didn't I think of that? Just look at what options the
options box offers. Sometimes I feel so stupid....

Thanks for your help.

Notwithstanding that you've solved that problem, I wonder if it's possible
to consolidate the contents of numerous pages onto a single page without
going through a selection, cut and paste operation for each of the numberous

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