Can I print some texts at pagefooter on the last page only?



Hi, can I print some texts at pagefooter on the last page
only? Because my boss don't want to print the same text on
each page. How to use vba to do it?
Thank you very much.


You don't need VBA. Insert a 'Next Page' before the last page. Select the
footer on the last page. Clear the 'Same as previous' button on the Headers
and Footers toolbar. Change the footer.


But I don't konw how many pages will be used. My boss does
not want to modify the footer on the last page everytime.
The content of the footer is fixed and will not be
changed. Can I use Marco or VBA to define the last page
footer as a template for users? How to do it?
Thank you very much.


Another non-code method: use an IF field ---

{ IF { PAGE } = { NUMPAGES } "Text to display on last page only" }


Thank you very much. ^_^
-----Original Message-----
Another non-code method: use an IF field ---

{ IF { PAGE } = { NUMPAGES } "Text to display on last page only" }


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