Can I put a site counter in a website created in Publisher?



I have created my website, now I would like to put a counter on there to
track site traffic. Is there a way to accomplish this?

Mike Koewler


Sure. Do a Google Search for counter and find the script that looks best
for you.


Opinion: Counters are a waste of bandwidth and web space. They serve no
purpose whatsoever for the viewer. Do you really think anyone but you
cares to see how many people have visited your site? If web stats are
important, download your server's log files and use a program that
interprets them.


Thanks for the quick reponse, I do have the html script for the counter that
I want to use, but in Publisher how do I view the html version? Do I view
the site in the wepage view and then click on view source and add it there?
Thanks for the help.


Thanks alot. I even had my daughter assist me and she is really good at
websites and she tried different ways of adding it. I now have the site up
and running, with the counter.
We will also be using the behind the scenes webstats as suggested by Mike.
Again thank you very much. One website done, two more to finish.


You can use the Insert HTML code fragment tool to insert the code snippet
into the Pub page.

You do not edit the code directly. Make all edits in the original Pub file,
and produce new html from there.



Your webhost probably has some built-in webstats that you can access via the
control panel. Those stats will be far more relevant and complete that a
counter. Part of what Mike is saying too, is that less is more, on your home
page. The more "stuff" you add, the slower the page will load. When you
think about adding something, ask yourself if it adds to the viewers
experience, or distracts from it. K.I.S.S. Just because you can do
something, doesn't mean you should. Counters are one of those in my opinion.


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