Can I query more than one parameter in a single field?



I have a field category called extras. In the field the "extras" range from
candy topping to caramel to sprinkles ect. Some fileds have 1 2 or all 3.
Is there a way to leave them all in the same field and find them if I want
somethin with BOTH sprinkles and candy topping?

Rick B

In a normalized database design, you would only enter one topping in a
field. If your item can have more than one topping, then you have a
one-to-many relationship. You need to normalize your database with
something more like the following:



In the above, each product will have one record in the Products table. If a
product has one topping, it will have one record in the toppings table. If
it has two toppings, it will have two records in the toppings table, etc.

If you follow normalized relational database design principles, you will
find your work much easier down the road.

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