Can I recover deleted archived .pst files?



I accidently deleted all of my archived folders, now I need to recover them,
is there any way? I had hundreds of e-mails saved that of course I need.


Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

State your Outlook version and information store.
State how you deleted the files.


Russ Valentine said:
State your Outlook version and information store.
State how you deleted the files.

Microsoft Outlook 2003 11.8002.6568 sp2,
It is part of microsoft office proff.

I deleted the files by going into Data file Management.

I cannot get my PC to do a restore either.


Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Data File Management never deletes files. It only removes the connection to
the files from your profile.
The files still reside on your hard drive with a PST extension. Search for
all PST files and open each in Outlook (File > Open > Outlook Data File...)
until you find your data.


Thank you so much, IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Russ Valentine said:
Data File Management never deletes files. It only removes the connection to
the files from your profile.
The files still reside on your hard drive with a PST extension. Search for
all PST files and open each in Outlook (File > Open > Outlook Data File...)
until you find your data.

Russ Valentine
royalpei said:
Microsoft Outlook 2003 11.8002.6568 sp2,
It is part of microsoft office proff.

I deleted the files by going into Data file Management.

I cannot get my PC to do a restore either.



Can someone help me?

My version is Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 11.8169.8172) SP3
For some reason one of my folders got dragged to the deleted folder while I
was emptying my recycle bin. This is one of my archived folder.

Can i still recover this?

Brian Tillman

Pao said:
My version is Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 11.8169.8172) SP3
For some reason one of my folders got dragged to the deleted folder
while I was emptying my recycle bin. This is one of my archived

Which deleted folder? Do you mean the Deleted Items folder in Outlook or
the Windows Recycle Bin? In the former case, open the Deleted Items folder
and drag the folder back to where it belongs. In the latter case, you MAY
be able to recover with an undelete tool. The Internet is replete with


royalpei said:
I accidently deleted all of my archived folders, now I need to recover them,
is there any way? I had hundreds of e-mails saved that of course I need.


Karl Timmermans

If there is no backup, your last vestige of hope would be your Windows
recycle bin (otherwise known as the trash bin, recovery bin or whatever else
there may be in place as an alternative) provided that it hasn't been
emptied or the files already over-written since you deleted the files in
which case, to quote an old venerable phrase "You're S-O-L".

Failing the availability of any <backup>, the term "backup" will (should) no
doubt take on a whole new meaning and importance in 2010 for things going
forward if the lost information was even mildly important - something many
others would also be well advised to add to their list of New Year's
resolutions for what costs so little and saves so much.

Karl Timmermans - The Claxton Group
ContactGenie - QuickPort/DataPort/Exporter/Toolkit/Duplicate Contact Mgr
"Contact import/export/data management tools for Outlook '2000/2007"


Karl said:
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.5843

Learn how to configure your newsreader to use signatures.
Karl Timmermans - The Claxton Group
<snipped the spam>

Please do NOT spam the newsgroups. Put your ego fluff in a signature (after
the "-- \n" sigdash line). You did NOT use a signature. Your spam was in
the *body* of your post.

Karl Timmermans

And you have yourself a very Happy New Year too. Am happy that there
are those who have the time and dedication to policing the newsgroups for
inadvertent errors - makes for a much better world. However, seems my
newsreader has also missed your contribution in the <body> of your
message to the original question posed.

As for your polite recommendation re: configuring the newsreader - the
correct suggestion would have been to "not mistakenly delete (over-write)
the --\n" line added as part of the OE signature when adding my name -
absolutely nothing to do with "configuration of OE" when inserting a


(PS while you may reply - rest assured that I will NOT continue this)
Karl Timmermans - The Claxton Group
ContactGenie - QuickPort/DataPort/Exporter/Toolkit/Duplicate Contact Mgr
"Contact import/export/data management tools for Outlook '2000/2007"

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