Can I reinstall Word 2000 only?



Hi, I am using Microsoft Office 2000 SR-1 Premium with XP Home Edition.
Could anyone tell me that if it's possible for me to reinstall Word 2000 only
without reinstall the whole Office 2000? I suspect my Word program is being
corrupted but I do not want to reinstall the whole Office 2000 since I want
to keep all of my Outlook info.

Any suggestion/comment is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Reinstalling will not destroy any data or change any settings. And for that
very reason it rarely helps. Perhaps if you tell us what your problem with
Word is, we can tell you a better way to fix it.


My problem with Word is that lately whenever I start Word it opens to a
previously saved document instead of a blank document. I tried to use the
entry "winword.exe/a" in Start/Run and I got an error message saying it
couldn't find the program. I went to check the global templates and add-ons,
none appears on the list. I renamed to Normal.old but Word still
opens to a previously saved document. At this point the only way I can do is
to create a blank document and saved it onto my desktop, then start Word from
there. But after a while, Word starts opening from a previously saved
document again. That's why I thought if I reinstall Word, it might fix the
problem (as I don't really know what really caused the mentioned problem.)

So back to my original question, is it possible to reinstall Word 2000 only
without reinstall the whole Office 2000? I heard that I can do a custom
install, but how? I opened the Office 2000 CD and couldn't find anywhere that
I can do a custom install.

If I don't need to reinstall, I would rather not. So any
suggestions/comments please?

Thank you.


Hi Suzanne, I have gone through all the procedures in your links prior to
posting this topic and I have also searched all over the internet/newsgroups
for solutions and basically, they are all very similar procedures. And I have
tried every one of them and still no success. That's the reason I asked the
question about reinstall Word 2000 only to begin with. So do you have any
further suggestions/comments please? Thank you.

FYI, I went to search for "" and there's only one ""
result found, including all the hidden files.


Ok. Try Start, Run and type in

winword /a

and press enter. NOTE THE SINGLE SPACE BETWEEN 'winword' and '/' (that's why
you get an error message). Does Word now start without an old document

PS Reinstalling Word or Office will NOT resolve this problem.

: Hi Suzanne, I have gone through all the procedures in your links prior to
: posting this topic and I have also searched all over the
: for solutions and basically, they are all very similar procedures. And I
: tried every one of them and still no success. That's the reason I asked
: question about reinstall Word 2000 only to begin with. So do you have any
: further suggestions/comments please? Thank you.
: FYI, I went to search for "" and there's only one ""
: result found, including all the hidden files.
: "Suzanne S. Barnhill" wrote:
: > My guess is that you renamed the wrong See
: > for
instructions on
: > finding the right one. If you have further problems after taking care of
: >, see
: >
: > --
: > Suzanne S. Barnhill
: > Microsoft MVP (Word)
: > Words into Type
: > Fairhope, Alabama USA

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