Can I remove "Credits" from Random Effects?



"Credits" I think that's what it is called, scrolls up andoff the top of the
screen. How can I avoid this when selecting "Random Effects" in Power Point?

John Wilson

I dont think so but unless the object is audience torture I would avoid
random effects altogether

Bill Dilworth

There are a few options, but they each have some limitations.

1) As John said, don't use random animations. Plan the show, don't hope for
the magic.

2) If a) you can run VBA and b) have control over the computer that will be
running the presentation (non-distributed presentations), and c) really have
to have random animations; you can check out this page and modify the code
to use with animations instead of transitions.
** Apply a random transition to every slide in a presentation

3) Upgrade to Office 2007. I believe that the credits animation was removed
from the random animation effects in 07.

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
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