Can I retreive my data after compacting failed?



I had a user compact a 900,000 KB database and now the file size is 1620 KB
and all the data is gone. I can see files left from the compacting routine,
db1, db2,db3,etc.

When I try to link to or import data from these files I get the message
Record's can't be read, No read permission, MSysModules2.

Is there any way to retreive the data from the files db1, db2, db3, etc?

This was an Access97 database.

Joan Wild

Have you tried opening these db* files? Ensure you are using the correct
mdw file when opening them.


I tried to open the files nd got the message Record's can't be read, No read
permission, MSysModules2.

Joan Wild

Are you using the correct workgroup file when you try this? It sounds like
this mdb was secured; you need to use the secure workgroup file (mdw) when
you try to open them.

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