Can I return office 2007?

  • Thread starter Anthony Giorgianni
  • Start date

Anthony Giorgianni

Hello Everyone

I just got a new Vista laptop and upgraded to Office 2007. It is HORRIBLE. I
can't figure out how to use it. I'm unable to define my macros in word,
making them virtually unusable because I have so many. Fortunately, I tried
reinstalling Office 2000, and it works just fine, which is great because
2007 is just miserable. I should have realized this was going to be bad news
when I needed a screwdriver to open that ridiculous plastic case it came in.

But can I return this to MS? I hate to blow $275 on what amounts to two high
priced coasters. Anybody have any ideas? Can I sell this off or give it
away? Will MS allow anyone else to register it? I've already uninstalled it.
So it's just sitting here pretty much waiting to go into the garbage.

Would MS let me trade it for 2003? I haven't tried the retailer yet, but I
seriously doubt they'll take it back now that it's been opened. I can try
stopping payment on my credit card, asserting that is unmerchantable (which
it is). But I doubt that would be effective. Any ideas?

What was Microsoft thinking?

Thanks for any thoughts.

Anthony Giorgianni
For everyone's benefit, please post back tot he group.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Anthony,

MS's return policies vary by country. In the U.S./Canada you can ordinarily get a refund on a retail copy of MS Office 2007 within
45 days of purchase within the guidelines on this page:

MS no longer provides prior versions of Office retail but you may be able to find retailers online or store that still have some
inventory of Office 2003 remaining.
Hello Everyone

I just got a new Vista laptop and upgraded to Office 2007. It is HORRIBLE. I
can't figure out how to use it. I'm unable to define my macros in word,
making them virtually unusable because I have so many. Fortunately, I tried
reinstalling Office 2000, and it works just fine, which is great because
2007 is just miserable. I should have realized this was going to be bad news
when I needed a screwdriver to open that ridiculous plastic case it came in.

But can I return this to MS? I hate to blow $275 on what amounts to two high
priced coasters. Anybody have any ideas? Can I sell this off or give it
away? Will MS allow anyone else to register it? I've already uninstalled it.
So it's just sitting here pretty much waiting to go into the garbage.

Would MS let me trade it for 2003? I haven't tried the retailer yet, but I
seriously doubt they'll take it back now that it's been opened. I can try
stopping payment on my credit card, asserting that is unmerchantable (which
it is). But I doubt that would be effective. Any ideas?

What was Microsoft thinking?

Thanks for any thoughts.

Anthony Giorgianni>>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*


Anthony Giorgianni said:
I should have realized this was going to be bad news
when I needed a screwdriver to open that ridiculous plastic case it came
Well if you needed a screwdriver to open that, then I suggest the following:
Do you have the packaging for your VISTA machine? then pack it up and return
it to your vendor - if he's nice, he might exchange it for an


Gordon said:
Well if you needed a screwdriver to open that, then I suggest the
following: Do you have the packaging for your VISTA machine? then
pack it up and return it to your vendor - if he's nice, he might
exchange it for an Etch-a-sketch........

You're channelling Miss Perspicacia Tick, aren't you?

I *LOVE* it!

We really need her sometimes....

Anthony Giorgianni

Have you tried this, Gordon. The box with the side that pivots out? I could
not figure out how to open that plastic box, not to mention so much thin
tape that I could get off completely. In trying to pull it open, I cut my
finger. I literally ended up prying it open with a screwdriver. Good thing I
didn't break it.

Anthony Giorgianni
For everyone's benefit, please post back to the group. Reply address is


Anthony Giorgianni said:
Have you tried this, Gordon. The box with the side that pivots out? I
could not figure out how to open that plastic box, not to mention so much
thin tape that I could get off completely. In trying to pull it open, I
cut my finger. I literally ended up prying it open with a screwdriver.
Good thing I didn't break it.

I removed the shrinkwrap, and there was a red tape poking out. I pulled it,
and the box opened.

(Quite easily Done.....)

Anthony Giorgianni

I had more than shrink wrap. Mine was taped with invisible tape and had a
label. And first I had to realize the box opened that screwy way using a
lever. Then I had to figure out whether I had to press, pull or do nothing
to those little plastic tabs on either side.

Why not just make a normally opening box that everyone is familiar with. I
mean isn't computing hard enough without having to learn new box packaging
strategies? Just unnecessary departure from normal functionality. I guess it
was MS's way of saying "Forget everything you know. There's going to be a
learning curve on every aspect of this." And I'm also trying to adapt to
Vista, which is presenting its own challenges' - though not as bad a office.

And I wouldn't have minded as much had those apps not be so radically
changed. They at least should have made some kind of "revert to traditional
format" or something like that. I just found out from my boss (magazine
editor) that my company won't accept anything written in word 2007. And Word
is what I work in. There's new reason for me to tolerate this now that I see
office 20000 works fin on Vista. And there's always free OpenOffice, if I'm
open to a new learning curve at this point

Thanks for your help.

Anthony Giorgianni

For everyone's benefit, please post back to the group. Reply address is


Echo S said:
Don't worry about it, Anthony. You're not the only one who's had
trouble opening the box -- I know I've seen a lot of complaints
about it.

Only from those who don't own chainsaws!

All kidding aside, the instructions are on the box but are not very

Echo S

XS11E said:
Only from those who don't own chainsaws!

All kidding aside, the instructions are on the box but are not very

Yeah. I think it's sad people have actually set up websites to show how to
open the box. That's just poor package design, IMHO. The packages *look*
cool, but I don't consider them very functional if lots of people have to
work so hard to figure out how to open them.

Wonder if they did any user testing on the boxes? <evil grin>

What's new in PowerPoint 2007?
(New!) The PowerPoint 2007 Complete Makeover Kit
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances

Steve Rindsberg

Only from those who don't own chainsaws!

Hey hey hey ... I've never touched a chainsaw in my life and I was able to open
the thing.

Interestingly, the same unofficial Office Packaging Entry Tool works well for
splitting logs. Handy thing, that.

How many companies have to publish web pages explaining how to open the box?
(blast, can't find the link to it)

And how many have the heads of packaging design teams sitting on pikes outside
the company office?

Anthony Giorgianni

Thanks, Now I don't totally stupid :O)

Anthony Giorgianni
For everyone's benefit, please post back to the group. Reply address is

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