Can I return office 2007?

  • Thread starter Anthony Giorgianni
  • Start date

Anthony Giorgianni

Hello Everyone

I just got a new Vista laptop and upgraded to Office 2007. It is HORRIBLE. I
can't figure out how to use it. I'm unable to define my macros in word,
making them virtually unusable because I have so many. Fortunately, I tried
reinstalling Office 2000, and it works just fine, which is great because
2007 is just miserable. I should have realized this was going to be bad news
when I needed a screwdriver to open that ridiculous plastic case it came in.

But can I return this to MS? I hate to blow $275 on what amounts to two high
priced coasters. Anybody have any ideas? Can I sell this off or give it
away? Will MS allow anyone else to register it? I've already uninstalled it.
So it's just sitting here pretty much waiting to go into the garbage.

Would MS let me trade it for 2003? I haven't tried the retailer yet, but I
seriously doubt they'll take it back now that it's been opened. I can try
stopping payment on my credit card, asserting that is unmerchantible (which
it is). But I doubt that would be effective. Any ideas?

What was Micrisoft thinking?

Thanks for any thoughts.

Anthony Giorgianni
For eveyone's benefit, please post back tot he group.


If its a retail upgrade version you can sell it, the license would then
belong to the purchaser.
Being unable to work out how to use it is not a valid reason for a refund.

Office2k has some issues in Vista, primarily Outlook related
Office2003 is no longer supplied by MS, allthough when I last looked and other retailers still had it available.
If you have macros defined in word2k, they probably need re writting to
function in Word07, likewise you may have the same issues in Word03
When I upgraded an Access db from 2000 to 2003 I had to do a certain amount
of recoding.
Your best bet would probably be to make a concerted effort to get to grips
with Word07 & the conversion of the Macros. Perhaps posting to a specific
Word group would get you some help / guidence

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Anthony,

MS's return policies vary by country. In the U.S./Canada you can ordinarily get a refund on a retail copy of MS Office 2007 within
45 days of purchase within the guidelines on this page:

MS no longer provides prior versions of Office retail but you may be able to find retailers online or store that still have some
inventory of Office 2003 remaining.
Hello Everyone

I just got a new Vista laptop and upgraded to Office 2007. It is HORRIBLE. I
can't figure out how to use it. I'm unable to define my macros in word,
making them virtually unusable because I have so many. Fortunately, I tried
reinstalling Office 2000, and it works just fine, which is great because
2007 is just miserable. I should have realized this was going to be bad news
when I needed a screwdriver to open that ridiculous plastic case it came in.

But can I return this to MS? I hate to blow $275 on what amounts to two high
priced coasters. Anybody have any ideas? Can I sell this off or give it
away? Will MS allow anyone else to register it? I've already uninstalled it.
So it's just sitting here pretty much waiting to go into the garbage.

Would MS let me trade it for 2003? I haven't tried the retailer yet, but I
seriously doubt they'll take it back now that it's been opened. I can try
stopping payment on my credit card, asserting that is unmerchantible (which
it is). But I doubt that would be effective. Any ideas?

What was Micrisoft thinking?

Thanks for any thoughts.

Anthony Giorgianni>>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Anthony Giorgianni

Thank God for MVPs!!!! You're my hero Bob!!!!

Anthony Giorgianni
For everyone's benefit, please post back to the group. Reply address is

Anthony Giorgianni

Thanks DL

The macros function. The problem is putting them on the toolbar in a way I
can recognize them. Older Word version allow tesst and icons your can
mody=ify, A check in the word group, seems to indicate this is not possible
with this ribbon thing ... just differenet, built-in icons. That means I
can't figure out what all my macros do without hovering my cursor over them
.... and I have dozens that I use constantly.

Anthony Giorgianni
For everyone's benefit, please post back to the group. Reply address is

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