Can I reverse image of entire document?



I need to print out a collage I created in word 2000 onto a clear iron on
tranfer page for a stinkin' family quilt sqaure. But it says if there are
words on your image you need to reverse the image or mirror it. Is there any
way to do that to the entire document, without printing out scanning it back
in and saving it in another format? Anyone with any ideas would be so

Jay Freedman

Word itself doesn't do mirror images, but your printer driver might --
some do, some don't.

In the Print dialog, click the Properties button next to the printer's
name. Look through the dialog (which comes from the printer driver,
not from Word, so each model has a different dialog) for something
that mentions "mirror image", "flip horizontal", or "t-shirt
transfer". It might be a check box or a selection in a dropdown.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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If your printer won't do it (as Jay suggests), another method is to print
the page onto overhead transparency film, then turn that over and photocopy
it onto your iron-on medium.


Thanks for the help. I didn't think there was anything in Word, but you
never know. My printer does have a small box to check under advanced
properties. I'll try it out on a scrap. Thanks again.

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