In the Visio UI, you can enter a Shape Screen Tip by selecting Insert - Shape
Screen Tip. Whatever text you type in here will appear as hover text over
the shape on the page. If you want to get a little fancier, you can have the
Screen Tip display Custom Properties. In the ShapeSheet, the Screen Tip
value is in the Miscellaneous section's Comment cell. Let's say you have a
Custom Property called Name, which has a ShapeSheet row named Prop.Name. The
value you entered for Name is Shmully. In the Comment cell, type =Prop.Name
(no quote marks... that will display the literal text within the quotes).
Now when you hover over the shape it will display Shmully in the Screen Tip.
If you want to get even fancier, if you have more than one Custom Property
you can append them together to show in the Screen Tip. If you have a
property called Title with a value of Emperor, in the Comment cell you could
enter =Prop.Title&" "&Prop.Name which would give you the screen tip Emperor
Shmully. Note that the quotes define a single blank space so that the two
words don't run together.
Now let's say you like this idea, but you don't want to type all that stuff
into lots of shapesheets to define properties and formulae for Comments. We
have a free (trial) downloadable tool called VisiClone
( that enables
you to define one shape and then copy the cells from that shape to multiple
other shapes. So, you could create the properties and Comment formula for
one seat and then copy it to all of the other seats on your floor plan.
Maybe this is going way beyond what you wanted, but my company often does
what you asked for in our work so I thought I'd share.