Can I save a copy of Excel workbook in MSSQL database using VBA?



Our User group would like a button in an Excel workbook that saves a copy of
the workbook in MSSQL database. We have done something similiar in a Web app
using C#. The excel workbook is stored in MSSQL db as an image. That app has
access to the workbook as a saved file, not as an active workbook during that
process. Converts the file to byte then image.

I can't duplicate the process successfully in VBA code. The workbook object
doesn't seem to support the Savepicture or CopyAsPicture functions. In order
to use the byte conversion I need the Length of the file(workbook), another
property I am unable to use with the workbook object.

Any help would be appreciated. I am using VBA 6.3. Thanks.


You cannot convert a WB to an image, but you can Copy/Paste Special a range
as a picture.
However, on my systems, you are limited to relatively small ranges.
You would still have to get the picture out of Excel and into a suitable
graphics format, either in memory or on disk, before you can send the bytes
to the DB.

If you could do it in C++, something similar in VB/VBA will (probably)
exist. Depends how you did it ?

It would be easier to install a <printer> that can convert to a graphic.




Thank you for your input. The 3rd party tool to convert to a graphic is
probably not an option as we would have to purchase licenses for an
enterprise application.

I will continue to pursue a VBA solution.
In C# (webapp) the code was:

// Get a ref to a PostedFile object
HttpPostedFile postedFile = myFile.PostedFile;

//Get size of uploaded file
int nFileLen = postedFile.ContentLength;

string fileNameFullPath = postedFile.FileName;
string filename = Path.GetFileName(fileNameFullPath);
//Allocate an byte array to store the data from the file uploaded
byte[] myData = new byte[nFileLen];
// setup SQL access (connection info omitted)
addEmp.Parameters.Add("@excel_workbook", SqlDbType.Image,
myData.Length).Value = myData;



If it is licensing issue on that component that you use already, then it is
Install a virtual printer that output in the desired image format, or one
the many freely available PDF printers.


Karla said:

Thank you for your input. The 3rd party tool to convert to a graphic is
probably not an option as we would have to purchase licenses for an
enterprise application.

I will continue to pursue a VBA solution.
In C# (webapp) the code was:

// Get a ref to a PostedFile object
HttpPostedFile postedFile = myFile.PostedFile;

//Get size of uploaded file
int nFileLen = postedFile.ContentLength;

string fileNameFullPath = postedFile.FileName;
string filename = Path.GetFileName(fileNameFullPath);
//Allocate an byte array to store the data from the file uploaded
byte[] myData = new byte[nFileLen];
// setup SQL access (connection info omitted)
addEmp.Parameters.Add("@excel_workbook", SqlDbType.Image,
myData.Length).Value = myData;


NickHK said:
You cannot convert a WB to an image, but you can Copy/Paste Special a range
as a picture.
However, on my systems, you are limited to relatively small ranges.
You would still have to get the picture out of Excel and into a suitable
graphics format, either in memory or on disk, before you can send the bytes
to the DB.

If you could do it in C++, something similar in VB/VBA will (probably)
exist. Depends how you did it ?

It would be easier to install a <printer> that can convert to a graphic.


of Web
app app
has during
that In


I am not certain that a virtual printer conversion is a viable solution as I
would have to deploy and install it for all the users of the Excel workbook.
The Excel workbook runs on their local machines not a server type setup.


NickHK said:
If it is licensing issue on that component that you use already, then it is
Install a virtual printer that output in the desired image format, or one
the many freely available PDF printers.


Karla said:

Thank you for your input. The 3rd party tool to convert to a graphic is
probably not an option as we would have to purchase licenses for an
enterprise application.

I will continue to pursue a VBA solution.
In C# (webapp) the code was:

// Get a ref to a PostedFile object
HttpPostedFile postedFile = myFile.PostedFile;

//Get size of uploaded file
int nFileLen = postedFile.ContentLength;

string fileNameFullPath = postedFile.FileName;
string filename = Path.GetFileName(fileNameFullPath);
//Allocate an byte array to store the data from the file uploaded
byte[] myData = new byte[nFileLen];
// setup SQL access (connection info omitted)
addEmp.Parameters.Add("@excel_workbook", SqlDbType.Image,
myData.Length).Value = myData;


NickHK said:
You cannot convert a WB to an image, but you can Copy/Paste Special a range
as a picture.
However, on my systems, you are limited to relatively small ranges.
You would still have to get the picture out of Excel and into a suitable
graphics format, either in memory or on disk, before you can send the bytes
to the DB.

If you could do it in C++, something similar in VB/VBA will (probably)
exist. Depends how you did it ?

It would be easier to install a <printer> that can convert to a graphic.


Our User group would like a button in an Excel workbook that saves a copy
the workbook in MSSQL database. We have done something similiar in a Web
using C#. The excel workbook is stored in MSSQL db as an image. That app
access to the workbook as a saved file, not as an active workbook during
process. Converts the file to byte then image.

I can't duplicate the process successfully in VBA code. The workbook
doesn't seem to support the Savepicture or CopyAsPicture functions. In
to use the byte conversion I need the Length of the file(workbook),
property I am unable to use with the workbook object.

Any help would be appreciated. I am using VBA 6.3. Thanks.

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