Can I set page layout of Word2007 like Word2003?



How can I re set Word 2007 page layout and title bar to look like Word 2003?
The Multiple skins of MS2007 is not user freindly


Load Word > Click Office Button > New > and find the template that is called
"Office Word 2003 Look"

Stefan Blom

Also, note that you can change the default settings of the normal.dotm
template, using pretty much the same methods as in earlier versions of Word.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message


I tried this and the hated ribbon structure remains... perhaps the best way
to get 2007 to look and work like 2003 is to re-install 2003....

Stefan Blom

Note that using a template with a Word 2003 look will only affect the
appearence of text.

To modify the user interface, you will have to use the ribbon customizer
(or, as you wrote, go back to Word 2003).


yes I eventually fathomed out the ribbon customiser which looks pretty good
and I shall use it for a bit before deciding whetehr to buy or not. in 2003
I had my own toolbars, are there instructions anywhere on how to customise
the Classic UI ribbon in the same way? (yes I know I can use the quick
access toolbar)

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