Can I set up an autodelete for completed tasks in Gantt view?


Dave Cooke

I'm attempting to set up a to-do list in the gantt chart view and was
wondering if it is possible to set MSProject to automatically remove tasks
upon completion (100%)

Any help would be great


Dave Cooke


This is possible (with some coding), but it would generally be a bad idea.
Any tasks that had that task as a predecessor would no longer have a
Why not use excel if you just want a to-do list?


Jan De Messemaeker

Why use Excel if Project gives you calendars and a graphical representation?
Moreover you can send the copy picture of your calendar to customers etc.

Steve House [MVP]

A fundamental part of managing a project, whether it is a complex one
involving many tasks and resources or a simple personal project involving a
set of tasks being done by one resource, ie, you, is monitoring progress and
comparing results obtained with the original plan. Removing those completed
task would wipe-out any way of monitoring your overall pregress or examining
the "lessons learned" at the end of the process. You could kludge together
something to wipe them in VB I suppose but it would be a very very bad idea
to do it. If it's just a personal to-do list, you're going after flies with
an elephant gun. Why not just use the task list in Outlook?

Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Steve and all,

Why try to avoid Project? There are people around (like me) who have been
Project users long before they even knew Excel and even today I never
touched Outlook. Project allows much more than Project Management, and I see
no reason why using it would be discouraged.


Steve House [MVP]

It seems like overkill versus the better tool for the job, that's all. Why
wrestle with the complexity of getting Project to do something it really
wasn't designed to do when Outlook does a better job of maintaining a
personal day-planning calendar and a daily task to-do list and at 1/10th the
cost (and even less cost, ie, free, when you have any version of the Office
suite on hand)? Using Project for a daily personal to-do list seems rather
like driving a Hummer to go to the store 1/2 block away to pick up a single
carton of milk - sure it can be done, but is it worth the cost and
aggravation? Outlook doesn't do snazzy Gantt charts, true, but it so much
more convenient than Project when it comes to the tools that are most useful
to help manage someone's personal day-to-day workday and schedule. OTOH, I
wouldn't even consider using Outlook as other than an email tool and address
book when planning a true project involving coordinating many tasks and
resources. I wouldn't draft memos in Excel or set up a budget using Word
either, although it's certainly possible to do both. It's all a matter of
choosing the optimal tool for the job.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

Jan De Messemaeker


The optimal tool also depends on what you have and what you know
When you have a Project license to run your projets anyhow, using it also
for an other purpose comes at zero cost
When you know Project and do not know Outlook the latter is by far the "more
complex" one.
So the choice is very individual, not absolute.

Steve House [MVP]

But you still run into what sorts of tasks and activities each is optimized
to do.

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