Can I set up dual screen in Excel?


pillar australia

Does anyone know how to set up support in Excel for dual screens? The only
way I can seem to get it is by having two Excel sessions running. Word is
much easier, you open the document and drag it over to the second display,
but Excel won't let me drag it off the first screen.

Chip Pearson

Open Excel, and click the restore button (the button between the
minimize and maximize buttons). Drag the application window so
that it fills both monitors. Next, open your two workbooks. Then
go to the Window menu and choose Arrange-> Vertical.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC

"pillar australia" <pillar (e-mail address removed)>
wrote in message
news:[email protected]...


Follow up question please - I have the same situation, and althought I know
how to move applications between screens, how do I open 2 workbooks at the
same time in separate Excel applications? I want to view one spreadsheet on
one screen, and a 2nd one on the next screen! Everytime I click on Excel to
open the program, it just opens a blank workbook in the same Excel program.
Does that make sense?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


Is this the only option? That is not using dual screens seperately...that is
using one screen enlarged.

Gord Dibben

Not the only option.

Your other option is two sessions of Excel.

But you didn't like that.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


I see that this is not a very recent discussion, but it is the help that I
need, so thanks for the answers! My purpose for commenting today is that I
continuously find it odd that MS still after all these years doesn't have the
same functionality across all Office programs. "Dual screening" is something
that many of us use, it is so simple in Word, yet a pain, albeit minor, in

C'mon MS, another tweak for you to introduce please?


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