Can I shrink a page long table to 1/2 a page?



I am trying to "shrink" if you will, a full page table with a couple of
sentences above & below it, to fit a half page.

I've tried scaling, resizing text (but it must be no less than a size 10
font) and a few other things but nothing works. I've managed to get it to
fit into 3/4 of a page page but that won't do.-

I need help with this "DESPERATELY" as this is due in class in a couple of

PLLeeeease Help...thanks

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Take some of the words out of the table? Select the table and reduce
the line spacing to exactly 0.9 li or 0.8 li in the Format->Paragraph

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hi Trixie
I am trying to "shrink" if you will, a full page table with a couple of
sentences above & below it, to fit a half page.

I've tried scaling, resizing text (but it must be no less than a size 10
font) and a few other things but nothing works. I've managed to get it to
fit into 3/4 of a page page but that won't do.-

The table column borders can be dragged to the sides into the page
margin. Make sure that all text in your table has no spacing
before/after, that you choose a reasonably small leading (you can choose
multiple: 0.8, maybe, instead of single), that the distance between
table border and text is minimal, and that you adjust column widths so
that the column with most content is the widest (AutoFit can do that if
you're lucky).

But there's no magic: if all your content, in 10pt size, does not fit
the space you want it to, nobody can make it.

Interesting assignment, though ... ;-)



Robert, I'll have to try this from home as I'm on my way out the door from
work...but as you say the font won't allow the magic and I believe I've
already done all of what you suggested.

Thanks a ton!



Thank you for framing my suggestion positively. One never knows when one
risks coming off as a smarty-pants.


If you are allowed to copyedit, look for cells that have only one or two
words in the last line. You can almost always modify the copy slightly but
recover an entire line.


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