Can I use a macro in word to extract a report from a large doc?



I have a large doc with multiple reports which I have to extract certain
reports from on a weekly basis. Is there a macro that can help?


The answer is Most Likely, but we'll only be able to help if we have more

How many reports?
Always the same ones?
What are the "starting" and "ending" points for each report?
Are there any significant attributes of the report (for example, each report
is a table)?



The reports always have the same names, though the number of pages vary. The
report name is listed at the top of each page of each report. Each report
ends with some sort of "totals" or "grand totals" information, but that
varies between reports. I am saving each part of the report as a .txt file,
so I don't need any fancy formatting. There is also a page # title (SARPAGE
1, SARPAGE 2, etc.) at the top of each report page throughout the entire
document. The pages of each report do not necessarily end and start in the
same place as where the page breaks in Word.

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