Can I use concatenate with Index(match) function?


Lynn Bales

I have two workbooks, workbook one contains a list of employee numbers,
firstname, lastname. Workbook two contains the employee number. I would like
to index workbook one, matching on the emp number and concatenate firstname
lastname into a single cell. Is that possible with a formula or do I need a

Thanks in advance!

Gary''s Student

You can do it with a formula. Something like:


where the first call get the first name and the second call gets the last

Peo Sjoblom

=VLOOKUP(A2,otherworkbook_array,2,0)&" "&VLOOKUP(A2,otherworkbook_array,3,0)

something like that, where otherworkbook_array is the data with the emp #,
first and last names,
the number 2 tells the formula to return the first name from the 2nd column
and the 3 to return the last name from the
3rd column. A2 is the first cell with employee numbers



Peo Sjoblom

Lynn Bales

Thank you both for the formula. I understand the concept but it doesn't seem
to be working. I've made sure that I've sorted both sps by the emplopyee
number and I've even copied the exact employee number to the other sheet and
for some reason I'm getting N/A if I use ,0. If I set it to TRUE it works but
gives me incorrect data.

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