Can I use Dragon Naturally Speaking


Erik Sojka

I don't know offhand of any native integration (if it existed, it would
have to be a plugin provided by Dragon). But there's no reason why they
can't work together:

Place the insertion point where you want the text to appear, activate DNS
and start babbling@


Thanks Erik,

I'll try again in the AM when my mind is fresher.

I'll let you know how it works for me.




Dear Erik,

Yes, I was able to use Dragon Naturally Speaking in OneNote without any
problem. For some reason, when I try to use as previously it would not work.

Incidentally, yesterday I set up the native Microsoft voice
recognition program, mainly because it appeared on the screen. I did use
Dragon NaturallySpeaking in OneNote today, however. I don't know if this has
anything to do with my successor or not. Just wanted to mention it in the
event that it helps anyone else.

Most sincerely,

Lewis Williams

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