How can I do the following:
a b
1 Rank Ticket # Name
2 =teams!B2 =Sheet1!A10 =Names!T62
3 =teams!B3 =Sheet1!B10 =Names!T17
4 =teams!B4 =Sheet1!C10 =Names!T6
Sheet 1 is a list of random numbers. Names are the names associated with
the random numbers and Rank is a constant. What I would like to do for the
names column is a formula something like this: =Names!T(contents of
corresponding column before + 1) in other words: =Names!T(sum(B2+1))
a b
1 Rank Ticket # Name
2 =teams!B2 =Sheet1!A10 =Names!T62
3 =teams!B3 =Sheet1!B10 =Names!T17
4 =teams!B4 =Sheet1!C10 =Names!T6
Sheet 1 is a list of random numbers. Names are the names associated with
the random numbers and Rank is a constant. What I would like to do for the
names column is a formula something like this: =Names!T(contents of
corresponding column before + 1) in other words: =Names!T(sum(B2+1))